[REPORT] NDC Degens August {{Crazy Growth}}šŸš€

Hey guys! :slight_smile:

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude @Dacha @MarcusNEAR @blaze @johanga @RussLive215 for the support of NDC Degens.


Degens WG Link: Telegram: Join Group Chat

Despite the fact that we were not approved for August, we continued our work. Absolutely all participants of the Main Degens Group showed this desire, it proves the fact of commitment to the growth of the ecosystem from all Degens Members!

We have done a lot of work in August and are glad to announce that our metrics have increased by an average of 30% compared to the last report. In some directions, the metrics have increased X times.

Our goal was to inform the Near members more about upcoming elections, important events and opportunities for developers in the Near Protocol ecosystem.

We have expanded these directions, you can find additional information in our proposal for September:


This is the main direction for each NDC Degens participant and it is mandatory in accordance with the minimum requirements set.

We focused our efforts on information about elections, project support and events in the ecosystem. When creating a report in this direction, the following factors were taken into account: the quality of posts, audience engagement and kpiā€™s.

Unfortunately, due to the Twitter update, we couldnā€™t get statistics about # of profile visits and # of mentions, we hope that the error will no longer occur in the next report.

Statistics prev report:

Tweets: 622
Profile Visits: 39 496
Number of mentions: 2300
Number of Impressions: 321 514

Statistics for August

Tweets: 906 (31,35%)
Profile Visits: Err :frowning:
Number of mentions: Err :frowning:
Number of Impressions: 478 500 (+32,81%)

Thus, Twitterā€™s metrics have increased by 30% on average, which tells us that NDC Degens members are showing great engagement, as well as increasing professionalism in this direction.


Reddit is one of the most important directions in NDC Degens, unfortunately this month we faced with strict moderation on popular subreddits, but closer to the middle of the month, we understood the reason of removed content.

Statistics prev report:

Posts: 40

Likes: 144

Comments: 113

Views: ~30 000

Statistics for August

Posts: 61 (+34.43)

Likes: 186 (+29,26%)

Comments: 38 (-66.37%)

Views: ~33 000 (10%)

Number of comments dropped, we will try to solve this problem next month, the main reason is the lack of discussion in the posts. But we can see a trend towards an increase in coverage from NDC Degens, there is an increase in the number of posts, likes and views.


This is the direction where NDC Degens can demonstrate their skills in creating content: threads, articles, memes, video, infographic. The stages that work in NDC Degens include both the creation of content and the spread of information about it.

Statistics prev report:

Number of content: 23

Likes: 270

Views: 10 232

Statistics for August

Number of content: 114 (x5)

Likes: 1399 (х6)

Views: 321 605 (Š„30)

As we can see, we have achieved growth due to the fact that we have published content on topics that interest the majority in the community: elections, opportunities in Near, collaborations and new projects.


The group currently consists of 6 people and is focused on popularizing the near ecosystem among crypto bloggers by influencing their communities (YT comments, Twitter comments, Twitter mentions).

Thanks to the Targeting subgroup, organic interest in the Near Ecosystem increases, because all comments and mentions are extremely informative and describe many positive technical and social points that can be used not only by bloggers for their videos (often our comments receive a response like ā€œthanks for the detailed information, I will definitely do content in the near future"), as well as ordinary subscribers who often read comments under interesting videos.

The daily activity of this subgroup has brought excellent results.

During the month of work, about 195 unique comments were written under the video by more than 70 bloggers of different directions (DeFi, Analysis, Ecosystem research, etc)

Not all reactions and responses to our comments are positive, but still, there are many more positive feedback from influencers about Near Protocol due to our activities.


Comments: 195

Tweets: 52

Number of reactions/responses: 27

Number of videos/mentions: 2 for now

Numbers of bloggers: 72


Detailed statistics for each Degens participant:

TLS (Tier Lvl System)

The best degens of the August:
ā‹ˆ Evangel S, Den, Aescobar, Naveen

We are always looking for new candidates, fill out the form if you:

  • 6+ month in the Near Ecosystem;
  • Excellent knowledge of Twitter, Reddit;
  • Content creation skills;
  • Understanding what the Near Protocol Ecosystem/Aurora is;


We have proved to the whole community that NDC Degens can grow in any conditions and adapt to any changes. We hope that elections will bring a lot of new ideas and a clearer financing process to the ecosystem! We wish every participant a fair victory in the elections.

Degens will always be on guard of decentralization and transparency and will grow together with the ecosystem! Thank you for reading our report :heart:


great MarketingDAO


Who are the Degens on twitter? What are the accounts that I can go and follow to assess quality of content?

Talk about the technology. Too much price prediction and superficial level content that anyone can generate (without knowing much about NEAR - clickbait?) and makes NEAR indistinguishable from other blockchainsā€¦

Hey @satojandro :slight_smile: !
Thanks for the questions!

Who are the Degens on twitter? What are the accounts that I can go and follow to assess quality of content?

All twitter accounts, as well as Degens activity are available in the report:

List of twitter names:

Max Kott

Talk about the technology. Too much price prediction and superficial level content that anyone can generate (without knowing much about NEAR - clickbait?) and makes NEAR indistinguishable from other blockchainsā€¦

I agree that we need to increase the quality of the content, making it more professional. In September, we intend to work on improving this. However, I can confidently state that the members who joined Degens have been members of the ecosystem for about two years an avarage.

Iā€™ve conducted over 40-50 interviews to create NDC Degens. @Dacha @blaze @RussLive215 saw how the interviews went, believe me, it wasnā€™t easy. There arenā€™t many people willing to work without guaranteed payment.

We always welcome any criticism and are committed to improve our content. Our work directions includes not only Twitter but also Reddit, Raids/Targeting, Content, and other.

I would appreciate receiving your tips on the quality and topics of the content. Thank you :heart: