[Proposal to House of Merit, approved] NDC Degens May

Hey guys! First and foremost, we want to express our gratitude to all the congress members who have shown themselves to be good and reliable managers in the Near Protocol ecosystem. In our opinion, the closure of NDC is not the best precedent in the ecosystem.

We have witnessed the development of NDC and have been participating in it from the very beginning, and it’s very sad for us to realize that the ecosystem was unable to utilize the proposed funding option. We hope that the closure of NDC will become a starting point for something greater, rather than an end.

Our report for April:

Useful links:

Charter: Degens Charter v.2 - Google Docs

Degens WG Link: Telegram: Join Group Chat

Website: https://degens.super.site/

Twitter: x.com

Main Team Spreadsheet: Degens Reports - Google Sheets 1

HoM Proposal (old v1.0): [Approved] NDC Degens X NDC V1 : NDC Budget Subcategory code HOM-004P-1-3 Marketing + NEW BUDGET - #12 by Lolson_tg 3


[Approved by House of Merit, paid] NDC Degens March


[REPORT] NDC Degens March

List of Proposals:

Level TG hangle Amount $
Applicant EvangelS * 1 147
Applicant Dix_rao * 1 147
Applicant ARIrend * 1 147
Applicant UsernamSerega * 1 147
Applicant Den1535 * 1 147
Applicant x_nav3 * 1 147
Applicant paolo_near * 1 147
Applicant maks1mk_a * 1 147
Applicant tony_insider * 1 147
Applicant moskalenkoi * 1 147
Applicant devbose111 * 1 147
Applicant Aescobar7359 * 1 147
Applicant PlanetaVeNEARa * 1 147
Applicant dapps_crypto21 * 1 147
Applicant Rollman * 1 147
Applicant AnchiProduct * 1 147
Applicant kv9990 * 1 147
Design lolson_tg * 200
Council lolson_tg 2000
Council baxoffbeats 2000
Total: 23 500

Target: ndc-degens.sputnik-dao.near

Proposer: lolson.near

**The remuneration (applicants) can be changed depending on the work performed based on the January report. The data is provided if all members of the main NDC Degens team achieve TLS 1.

Funding Procedures:

NDC Degens focuses on the personal performance of each member. At the moment, each member of NDC Degens is working on increasing TLS, which will be assigned to him at the end of January. Based on the results of TLS, a DP (Degen Point) will be assigned to each of the participants, who will determine the amount of remuneration.


Each NDC Degens member undertakes to pass KYC in accordance with the NDC/Near policy.

Our plans May 2024.

MDAO x NDC Degens

In May, we plan to launch a close partnership with MDAO, which has common goals and tasks with us. We want to build a close collaboration between the two DAOs and closely support all ongoing events and announcements.


In April, we managed to break all records for the number of referrals attracted to the Near Protocol ecosystem. In May, we will try to strengthen this direction and attract even more referrals. Last month, we focused on 700 referrals per month, and our plan for May is to attract at least 1500 users.

Projects currently being tracked using referral links in NDC Degens.


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HarvestMOON +Meteor Wallet




NDC Official

Full support for NDC and its initiatives this month will be the main argument for assigning TLS to each degens. We want to express our commitment to the ecosystem and loyalty to NDC, so we will intensify our activity in this direction.


:chart_with_upwards_trend:> 2.5 million Impressions
:chart_with_upwards_trend:> 25k likes
:chart_with_upwards_trend:> 10 videos from influencers
:chart_with_upwards_trend:> 5k link clicks
:chart_with_upwards_trend:> 1500 referrals
:chart_with_upwards_trend:> 50 participants in Public Degens


:dart:Support of NDC
:dart:Launch NDC Degens Official YouTube Channel.
:dart:Improve content quality


Thanks for your effort. We did an excellent job


Hope we break our records lile this every month. Super proud :muscle:


Let’s grow NEAR Ecosystem higher! :green_heart:

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further new heights :fire::fire::fire:

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Let’s keep moving forward! :fire:

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let’s continue to work to improve the ecosystem NEAR​:fire::fire: