[REPORT] January Monthly Report _ Demonstra DAO

Project Name: DemonstraDAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project members: @dani @RebeccaJ @JulianaM

Project Accounting: current account balance 584.10 USD *


  • Payout pending: 584.10 USD related to one guest speaker, sign language translation, video edition and accessible communication maintenance

Updated Project Timeline:

• Demonstra developed the virtual catalog for the OpenCall and it can be accessed in this link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E5DhUB9QzWi2WHGNPE4czaWwg6Hbmsbr/view?usp=sharing . Daniel Moraes @dani provided contents such as texts, images and data and designer Rebecca Johnson @RebeccaJ created the layout. The file will be publicly available on the website Demonstra.pt (when it’s new adapted version is finished) and on the Mintbase store of Demonstra when it is implemented.

• Webinars: recording of the two planned webinars took place with Daniel Moraes @dani as host, guests Carlos Pastor and Vinicius Scheffer @vinscheffer and production by @RebeccaFJ. The video and audio files are being organized by @RebeccaFJ and will be edited by Heverton Harieno @hevertonharieno. Sign language and audio description will be recorded after the first version of the edition is ready and incorporated into the final video that will be published.

• Promotion an boosting in social media will happen as soon as the videos are edited and published on the channel

• Accessible communication maintenance: we had consultancy on accessible communication by Vinicius Scheffer @vinscheffer, who provides specialized services in the area with his company https://artemlibras.com.br. We adapted new content from the Demonstra according to Vinícius’ recommendations. Images with alt text description so that people with visual impairments can access content are applied in posts such as DEMONSTRA on Instagram: "É com grande entusiasmo que anunciamos os artistas selecionados que irão integrar o programa da Residência Artística Demonstra 2022 / Edição #01. São eles: Guto Oca @guto.oca Jeff Barbato @jeffbarbato João Paulo Racy @joaoracy Juca Fiis @jucafiis Lua Cavalcante @luascavalcante Nara Rosetto @nararosetto Nesta primeira edição, tivemos uma enorme adesão de candidaturas e, após algumas semanas de análise de projetos e entrevistas, o júri selecionou 6 artistas com diversidades corporais múltiplas e com projetos artísticos de elevada qualidade para a ressignificação poética da deficiência no âmbito das artes visuais contemporâneas. Agradecemos a todos os artistas que se inscreveram com excelentes projetos mas que, infelizmente, não foram contemplados nesta primeira edição. No entanto, gostaríamos de frisar que é muito importante contar com o interesse de todos para as nossas futuras edições e demais atividades que o Projeto Demonstra em breve oferecerá. Finalmente, gostaríamos de agradecer vivamente a República Portuguesa @gov_pt , Direção Geral das Artes @dgartes e a todas as entidades parceiras ( @arquipelago_centrodeartes @walktalkazores @vagapdl @_55sp @duplexair @nowhere_lisboa @artemlibras @galeriadolago @grupopesquisa_ami_ufpb @ufpb.oficial ) pela confiança em nós depositada para levar a cabo este importante programa de apoio à prática profissional de artistas com deficiência. Cordialmente, Equipe Demonstra . Texto Alternativo: na imagem do post temos o texto de divulgação dos artistas selecionados para a residência artística em cor preta, ao fundo uma imagem gráfica de cores esverdeadas e abaixo da imagem todos os logos dos apoiadores e parceiros do projeto na cor preta. . . #apoioasartes #financiamento #criação #programadeapoioparceria #artesemlimites #acessocultura #inclusão #acessibilidadeofertaartistica #dgartes #projetodemonstra #demonstra #residenciaartistica #acessibilidadepoética #acessibilidadeparatodos #acessibilidade #artistascomdeficiência #residenciaartistica #chamadaaberta #editaiscultura #editaisarte #mostradearte #fomentocultural #cultura #opencall #opencallforartists #artesvisuais". Resources as Audio-description and translation in Libras will be implemented in the final videos of the webinars.

• Demonstra Project channel in YT was created and set with description in Portuguese and English and visual identity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK3lVmLRiBWhnq2dlIMAVsA


• The catalog brings together the most relevant information on the Open Call and artistic residence, maintaining the visual identity of the project. The material will be very useful as a registration of the process when published for the whole community.

• The OpenCall had 81 people registered from various countries. Of these, 6 artists have been selected that are already in artistic residence. All selected artists are physically disabled and / or have works related to art and disability. Two virtual meetings were held with resident artists and the curatorial team, Daniel Moraes and Isabel Portella. Residents have already initiated the project development process. Details about resident artists and on the latest actions of the project Demonstra artistic residence can be seen mainly on social networks DEMONSTRA (@demonstra.pt) • Instagram photos and videos

• The webinars held very interesting conversations with Carlos Pastor and Vinicius Scheffer. Vinicius shared information from accessible projects within the visual arts and shared numerous references and practical resources for implementation of accessibility in cultural institutions and digital media. Carlos Pastor shared his experience as a researcher, artist and curator through his portfolio, which addresses themes such as queer culture, architecture, cultural issues, occupation of space and inclusion of new perspective on dissident population.

• We counted on the essential support of Juliana Matsumura @JulianaM, our mentor and administrator, to guide and put into practice the basic actions of the platform, update on technical changes and regarding the community. We also started to vote on project approvals from other DAOs following the new processes implemented by the Creatives DAO.


• Completing our first month of action on the platform was quite intense for learning! Understanding processes, recent changes, making proposals and guiding collaborators on this path has been quite exciting.

• We realize that a greater preparation is needed in order to include and guide the first steps of new collaborators on the platform as a whole: the forum, the usability of wallet, proposals to the DAO, Near project and also crypto in general.

• We had learnings from the recording of webinars, with pre and post production, which require planning and dedication to technical, agenda and communication issues, we need to provide better planning in the schedules of all involved.

• We better perceive the size of the challenge that will be the implementation of best practices of accessible communication. We see need for monthly support for improvement and Vinicius Scheffer as a possible partner for monitoring and implementation.

• Finally, thanks to the support and funding received, we see several interlocution opportunities especially in the art and accessibility areas in order to expand the actions and the scope of the project demonstrates. There’s a lot of work to be done!!

Next Steps:

• Focus on post production of the webinars recorded for publication

• Diagnosis and maintenance of accessible communication practices in Demonstra channels

• Schedule and record the next two webinars, with Isabel Portella and Julia Morelli

• Create MintBase virtual store to make available the work of artists and collaborators work related to the project

• Promote communication by the project Demonstra on social networks and channels

• Improvement of visual identity in social networks, including motion design for opening videos on Demonstra and about the selected artists for YT and Instagram

• Enhancement of knowledge on the Near platform and the role of Demonstra DAO in the community

• Mapping of the actions of the Demonstra artistic residence final show that will take place in April