[APPROVED] Demonstra DAO - February Budget Overview

Project Name: Demonstra DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

You can see our summary of last month’s activities here

Project members:

Daniel Moraes @dani danimore.near

Rebecca Johnson @RebeccaJ rejoh.near

Juliana Matsumura @JulianaM jmm.near

Target Address: demonstra.sputnik-dao.near

Project Accounting: current account balance: 45.5059 N

Funding Period: February 2022

Our Introductory post: http://gov.near.org/t/introduction-introducing-demonstra-dao/11265?u=dani

Council Matters:

  • Council = 800 USD (part.time x 200 USD) 17.82 N (full time 2 x 300 USD) 26.7 N / each


  • Mentoring/Admin work (Editing requests and writing reports, help the other members of the council with structuring the DAO, plus external relations) = 100 USD - 8.91N

Specific Projects:

1. [PROPOSAL] Demonstra Webinars

Objective: implement a new communication network where it will be possible to disseminate audiovisual materials for research, actions, debates of ideas, collaborations and workshops related to the purpose of Demonstra. We will initially produce two public meetings in Webinar format between Daniel Moraes (visual artist, curator and creator of Demonstra) with another guest in which they will discuss themes related to art, disability and technology. Videos resulting from these Webinar meetings will later be edited and saved to the Demonstra channel. All meetings will be accessible in sign language and with descriptive captions for people with audio-visual disabilities.

Monthly Webinars:

HOST: Daniel Moraes

Artist with research investigating conflicts related to the disabled body: deformity/dysfunction, overcoming/suppression, prejudice/acceptance. Creator of the Demonstra Project, an artistic residency program for people with disabilities, which has the support of the Ministry of Portuguese Culture - DGArtes.


Instagram: @danielmoraesss

GUESTS - February 2022:

Julia Morelli

Julia Morelli is curator, producer and idealized 55SP, a multidisciplinary project whose principle is to spread contemporary art, fostering new collectors and artistic production through independent projects, with an experimental character and belief in art as a transformation tool.

Instagram: @juliamorelli @_55sp

Isabel Portella

Doctor and Master in Art History and Criticism from the School of Fine Arts Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (EBA/UFRJ); Specialist in History and Criticism of Brazilian Art from the Pontifical Catholic University/PUC-Rio. Museologist works since 1992 working in museums developing projects and actions in preservation and conservation, curation and accessibility. She has worked at the Museum of the Republic - IBRAM since 2006 as a museum collection researcher. Coordinator and Curator of Galeria do Lago – Contemporary Art Space of the Museum of the Republic.


Instagram: @isabelportella

Online meetings in a webinar format, between Daniel Moraes and a guest, discussing themes related to art, disability and technology. These meetings will be later edited and published on Canal Demonstra (YouTube).

Guest speakers: Julia Morelli (producer, curator and creator of 55SP) and Isabel Portella (art critic, curator and museologist at the Museum of the Republic of Rio de Janeiro and Galeria do Lago) (TBC).

  • Production of 2 webinars: 150 USD - 13.36 N
  • Host for the sessions: 200 USD - 17.82N
  • Fee for guest speakers: 150 USD - Julia Morelli (TBC) and 150 USD - Isabel Portella (TBC) (each) 13.36N /each
  • Sign language translators and audio description for the 2 webinars: 230 USD - 20.5 N
  • Promotion: 150 USD (100 - marketing manager / 50 - $ for boosting ads) - 13.36N


Implementation of Demonstra’s Youtube channel that will contain the videos produced for the Demonstra Channel (webinars, lives and workshops).

Actions: Maintenance of monthly schedule | Production and editing of videos that will enter the Demons Channel

  • Edition of the two webinars for the Youtube channel: 180 USD - 16 N
  • Account maintenance : 50 USD - 4.45 N
  • Accessible communication maintenance: 100 USD - 8.9 N

2. [PROPOSAL] Demonstra Visual Identity Improvement

Objective: Improvement of visual identity in social networks, including motion design for opening videos on Demonstra webinars and a video about the selected artists for YT and Instagram. The goal of this material is to improve the visual language of the videos, making them more attractive and consistent with the visual identity of the Demonstra project. The final aim is the creation of an engaged network producing quality content for the audience that is connected with Demonstra and reaching new audiences consistent with our purpose.


  • Motion design to promote the selected artists in the artistic residency Demonstra - short video that will be created with photos of the artists and their works. This post will be linked to Demonstra’s Instagram @demonstra.pt
  • Motion design for opening webinar videos being produced on Canal Demonstra - introductory video that will be the opening vignette for YouTube videos.

Motion Design: 500 USD - 44.5 N
Direction: 50 USD- 4.45 N
Production: 50 USD- 4.45N

3. [PROPOSAL] Demonstra Gallery

Objective: Implementation of a MintBase gallery and store for the commercialization of products, works and textual publications of the Demonstra Project. Our purpose this February is to begin an onboarding on the platform by conceptualizing it with the collaboration of Julia Morelli @juliamorelli55sp, who has a wide experience with the production and curatorship of independent artistic projects with the purpose of socio-cultural transformation. At Galeria Demonstra, Julia will maintain and curate art works together with the direction of Daniel Moraes @dani, production and collaborators onboarding by Rebecca Johnson @RebeccaJ. We intend our Gallery to be an important platform for selling, promoting and connecting artists and professionals involved in the Demonstra project.


  • Implementation and onboarding to Virtual Gallery Demonstra on Mint Base platform
  • Selection of works that will integrate the first products sold in the store/gallery
  • Product launch planning according to Julia Morelli’s curatorship
  • Paid advertising to publicize the gallery/store as well as the first products on store

Curatorship: 300 USD - 26.7 N

Direction: 150 USD - 13.36N

Production: 150 USD- 13.36N

Creation of the Mint Base Store: 78 USD - 6.95 N

Demonstra Min tBase store maintenance: 100 USD - 8.9 N


Total= 3638 USD

Thank you!

P.s: edit by JulianaM 18.02
N= 11,22 N
Total received by NF0 324.14 N


Such an important and necessary project, really glad to be part of it!


Thanks @juliamorelli55sp ! The Demonstra DAO team are super excited about your collaboration!!!

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Hello friends! =)

I am really happy to read it, but I have two suggestions to give more clarity to your proposal:

Put your latest report as a link to help us find what your DAO has done in the last month. That gives more credibility to your proposals.

Also, when you wrote all the budgets only in USD and then the budget for mintbase in NEAR COIN it seemed confusing to me. Maybe you should put the USD and then the conversion to NEAR COIN.

You can see an example of a proposal here:

how does this sound to you?

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Hi Heverton @hevertonharieno ! Thank you for your suggestions.

I will talk to the Demonstra members and give you feedback very soon.

But what you said makes all sense.
Gradually, we are perfecting our orders.



Hi @hevertonharieno ! We made the adjustments you indicated. Thank you very much for the feedback.

Always very welcome!!

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Thanks Dani. Now this proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [New Process] Community Payouts #GODEMONSTRA

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Lets do that! Thanks @hevertonharieno

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