[Approved] Demonstra DAO - May Budget Overview for Creatives DAO

Project Name: Demonstra DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project members:

Daniel Moraes @dani danimore.near

Rebecca Johnson @RebeccaJ rejoh.near

Juliana Matsumura @JulianaM jmm.near

Target Address: demonstra.sputnik-dao.near

Project Accounting: current account balance: 47.1405 NEAR

Funding Period: May 2022

Our Introductory post: http://gov.near.org/t/introduction-introducing-demonstra-dao/11265?u=dani

Council Matters:

  • Council = 800 USD (part.time x 200 USD) (full time 2 x 300 USD) | 117.30 N (part.time
    29.32N) (full time 2 x 43.98N)


  • Mentoring/Admin work = 100 USD | 14.66 N


Specific Project:

  1. [PROPOSAL] Seminar & Exhibition Demonstra

The event that closes the Demonstra Artist Residency has a series of activities that will take place on May 21st, 2022. Some of these activities already had Near’s support in the previous months (March and April proposal link) will continue until completion. Among them we have:


Virtual promotion action that will have the support of one of the main Contemporary Art magazines in Portugal called Umbigo. We believe it is extremely important to link this event to the main Portuguese art magazine, which also has a reach throughout Europe (https://umbigomagazine.com/pt/). With this possibility of disclosure we intend to strengthen and disseminate the Demonstra project and the entire team of professionals and artists involved in the Artist Residency.

PROPOSAL I: ONLINE ACTION - Artistic Residency Exhibition and Seminar
Demonstra 2022 #1

  • Creation of MREC (Banner) that will go online on Umbigo’s website two weeks before the event on May 21, 2022.

Umbigo’s counterpart:

  • Online outreach article with subsequent sharing in the weekly Umbigo Newsletter and social media.

Total value of Umbigo’s proposal for online promotion: 450,00 USD | 65.98 N
Banner (MREC) creation: 150,00 USD | 21.99 N


Opening video editing: 150 USD | 21.99 N
Streaming of Demonstra Seminar videos on the Demonstra Youtube channel using the OBS tool with pre-recorded and live videos, between 10am and 4pm on May 21, 2022: 100 USD | 14.66 N

Acessibility Audio description, Libras and LGP for the Seminar Opening video: 250 USD | 36.65 N

SUB TOTAL 1100 USD | 161.29 N


Impact and value:

We expect to grow Demonstra’s followers having as its central objective the development of an inclusive and accessible communication to all audiences with functional diversity. Another important value for Demonstra Project is to spread the artistic production of people with disabilities in the visual arts and social networks, in order to value and spread more and more such professionals and inclusive projects, aggregating these values and concepts to the Near community.

In the month of May we will have a seminar and an online exhibition and we will be focused on their propagation.

Metrics for measuring success:

  • In the last month we had growth in the accounts reached, accounts engaged and total followers compared to the last month. We have progressively increased our reach and we intend to continue at this pace of growth.

  • We grew 4.7% in accounts reached, 2.1% in terms of interaction and 0.4% in number of followers. We aim to reach more followers with more posts and interactions in the coming months.

  • With a person ( @yuli07 ) dedicated to social media management and regular boost, we intend to improve these numbers, reaching more followers and highlighting the importance of funding and community Near.

  • We are publicizing our partnership with near on our networks and tagging all our posts with #nearprotocol and #near.

Estimated timeline and achievement milestones:

  • Produce 4 weekly posts on Instagram;

  • Weekly boosts with investments of 20 to 25 USD per week. We believe it is necessary to invest a little more in boosting some posts on instagram to continue to reach more people and interactions. We intend to continue the actions of last month, improving the focus and reach of our project;

  • We also intend to create greater engagement and interaction with the audience that already follows us (10.9m), maintaining consistency and regularity in publications, through the creation of teasers created by @lucterra from CUDO DAO;

  • We will start to publicize the seminar schedule, highlighting the invited participants. We’ll show you who they are and a little bit of their bio

  • We will have an online exhibition in 21 May where the artists’ works will be spread out in the virtual spaces of 5 partners. We will publish posts about each of these partners making a little introduction of who they are.

  • We will make 3 newsletters throughout the month. One will have the entire seminar program and a presentation by the participants. In the other we will talk about the online exhibition and the exhibition partners. in the third we will focus on the resident artists who will participate in the exhibition

Funding Details:

  • Social media content production and profile maintenance: 400 USD | 58.65 N
  • Boost on Instagram: 100 USD | 14.66 N
  • Art direction and co-production of posts: 250 USD | 36.65 N

Sub total 850 USD | 124.63 N

3. [PROPOSAL] Demonstra Workshops

Demonstra Workshops is an educational project that aims to develop virtual workshops in the field of visual arts that can contribute to the re-signification of concepts and processes about bodies and non-normative experiences in art. They will be taught by artists, researchers, and educators, with or without disabilities, who address issues pertinent to art and body diversity.

They will be recorded and edited with the collaboration of CUDO DAO, translated into Brazilian Sign Language, and will be freely available in Demonstra’s Youtube Channel.

Demonstra Workshops intends to be a branch of our Demonstra DAO that will seek to disseminate knowledge through art education by means of subjects and professionals who work with themes pertinent to dissident corporeality (functional, gender and diasporic diversity, etc).

In this first stage of the project the artists educators Lua Cavalcante, Juca Fiis and Daniel Moraes were invited. All with experience and property to teach courses related to the purpose of Demonstra. Below is the biography of each of them:

Lua Cavalcante ( @luascavalcante ) is an artist, educator, and cripple. She is a technologist in photography, pedagogue and griô apprentice, of the Pedagogia Griô. Her artisticlanguage is the production of experiments in self-portraiture, developing investigations the particularities of her body, read under the aspect of disability. Lua presents herself as an artistic-political-pedagogical being proposing reflections about which real and enchanted places she inhabits and operates.

Juca Fiis ( @jucafiis ) works with art, education, mediation, and urban installations. He studied architecture at UFRJ, and has a degree in Design from Camberwell College of Arts, in London. He works with hybrid projects between art and mediation and believes in collaborative processes. He has worked with education at Redes da Maré, Solar do Abacaxis, Escola Americana do RJ, Oi Futuro Flamengo, Instituto Todos na Luta, and others. He worked in 2020/21 at the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro coordinating the Núcleo de Infâncias e Ativações in the Education sector, since 2017 as a teacher at Parquinho Lage and from 2018-2022 as a member of the teaching council of the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage. He has participated in four residencies, two in education, at ART OMI, in Hudson, NY, and Ninho, Terra Afefé, Bahia. He idealized the ABERTA residency, at Centro Municipal de Artes Helio Oiticica, and is currently participating in the Demonstra art residency, with the theme poetic informants, in Lisbon. In 2021/2022 he worked with pedagogical strategies and mediator training in the itinerant exhibition Busão, in Rio de Janeiro. Juca is a non-binary person and works this thought not only related to gender, but in deconstruction and disidentification of the binary thought as structural thought.

Daniel Moraes ( @dani ) is currently taking a Master’s degree in Painting - Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon - and a Degree in Design - Faculty of Campinas, 2008. Since the beginning of his trajectory, the artist investigates conflicts of his body with artistic practices, being drawing, painting and video-happening the main means used. In focus are the personal issues related to the disabled body: dysformation/dysfunction, overcoming/suppression, prejudice/acceptance. More recently he developed the workshop project “Design and the Non-Normative Body” that had its first edition at Centro de Artes Contemporâneas ARQUIPÉLAGO - São Miguel Island; exhibited the video-happening “Hand in hand with my sister” at the exhibition Lines of Thoughts 2020, CICA MUSEUM - Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, Korea; and conceived Projeto DEMONSTRA an artistic residency program for people with disabilities that has the support of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture - DGartes.

Workshop 01_ Aleijado Embroidery.
Experimental embroidery workshop on non-conventional surfaces, from the concept of Déf Ancestry, based on the mythical figure of Arthur Bispo do Rosário. Duration: 1h30 hour.
Artist: Lua Cavalcante

Workshop 02_ Laboratory of (De)efficiency
Theoretical and practical drawing workshop that addresses questions about the non-standardization of the creative process, of drawing and of the iconography of the body in the arts. Duration: 1h30 hour. Teaching artist: Daniel Moraes

Workshop 03_ The courage of corn to turn popcorn / GIF Workshop.
Workshop of popcorn observation drawing, and stop motion animation in 2 or more frames. Reflection about transformation, and learning with instability and small formats like us, popcorn and GIFs. Duration 1h30 hour.
Teaching artist: Juca Fiis

Workshop 04_ Tactile Self-Portrait
Theoretical and practical drawing workshop that addresses issues about sensory drawing stimulated by the perception of touch. Concepts about the representation of disabled bodies in the arts are also presented in the theoretical part of the workshop. Duration: 1h30 hour. Teaching artist: Daniel Moraes

4 Art Workshops about Art, Disability and Corporeities: 1,200 USD (300 USD each) | 175.95 N ( 43.98 N each) - Each workshop will have theoretical and practical content involving art and themes about body diversity and disability, will be recorded with the video production support team and language interpreters and will be freely available on the Demonstra Channel linked to the Demonstra Workshops project. Each workshop will have an average duration of 1h30 and the development and production period of the workshops will last three months starting May 23, 2022.

Direction: 200 USD | 29.32 N - Contact and follow-up with the artists and educators who will be part of the Demonstra Workshops project; coordination of the production team, design, video editing and sign language interpreters; approval and direction of the workshops’ content that must always be aligned with the project’s purpose.

Design: 250 USD | 36.65 N - Demonstra Workshops will have its own visual identity for videos, which encompasses workshop opening, workshop program content, and publicity material for this project.

Video Editing: 200 USD | 29.32 N - The post-editing of the videos will be done with the professionals from CUDO DAO and will include editing and cutting of the videos, creation of the layout of the recordings linked to the design created and synchronization between the lines of the teaching artists and the professional sign language interpreters.

SUB-TOTAL: 1850 USD | 271.26 N


TOTAL: 4,700 USD | 689.14 N

P.s: edit by @dani 24/05
N= 6.82 N
Total received by NF0 689.14 N

Thank you!


Last Months Repports:


Can you please Attach April Month’s Report to the Current Month’s Proposal?


Yes, of course! I just added it to the post above. I apologize for forgetting. @Monish016

1 Like

Congrats! Demonstra is an amazing and important project!


hey, @dani We Would love to say that this proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO Astrodao, so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guideline: [New Process] Community Payouts. Also, Feel free to join our Discord Server to Post Your Monthly Reports and Funding Proposals for Better Organization