Project Name: The Clan October
Project Status: [Finished]
Project Accounting: 0N Everything Done: Except 2 tokens creation that have the fund (~5N) realocated to support the Onboard Material creation, and will be refund by The Clan and done at December, linked to a new branch at development with the game community. Also the Onboard Project used funds from sales from The Clan Mintbase Store + realocated funds from other projects parts that became less important atm. Onboarding became our priority as it demanded a lot of time from the councils, and interrupt all the other projects.
Them we created our usage workflow
CC FOLDER Management = 100 USD
We added AfrikaBurn material of the workshop to help people access the material, for the bounties, etc.
Included more folders/users
Added more material at The Clan Folder
We created the visuals, develop a language, builded a image to each social media avatar, another to the banners, plus the visual elements to use at the forum. We are developing a solution using a smartphone and online tools, that anyone could create a nice visual identity that shares their values, using AI and a phone, easily with no software knowledgment. The video and audio was changed for a new volume of images, as theres no direct use for them at social medias atm. ( This project will become a workshop with limited slots at the last week of November. )
We onboarded 40 new members, and raised the 0.3N welcome gift to 1N ( some got 0.3N )
Airdropped 14N at telegram
Transfered the left usd to pay some minting costs by The Clan, at the SOULvNEAR for 50 Editions each, and used to the onboard project.
WORKSHOP #1 Design Thinking = 300 USD
Finished the workshop with 32 new art pieces created by the community members who participate at the activity.
WORKSHOP #2 The Wrong Pavillion = 300 USD
Finished the workshop with the playlist done and our pavilion at the bienal, creating a playlist with the participant artists and did a plus material to show the other daos and near at the videos.
2 AfrikaBurn PDFs en/pt payed to @C0D3
1 and 2
80 USD left moved to the Onboard Project, as there were no need for translations, as The Wrong and The Clan Material become focused at portuguese only
Social Medias Project = 200 USD
Created the First Token: FIRERUNE ~2.35N
4.7N transfered to the onboarding project
Created as a emergency project, to start build a big work to solve the problem of time and human needs at the onboarding, that was conflicting with the other projects. We onboarded more then 40 new members at the end, and it causes a lot of trouble for the councils. So we gather all the last funds that had lesser importance + 20N from the store sales, to start build the material. @Mailza @whoiscavenaghi and @duOCELOT plus some intervention from the community. We did a rough sketch of it, and now we could create the first prototype, to apply and collect more data, to set a final product.
As a general cost, was spent 150usd with VQGAN+CLIP for the workshops, visual id, and the onboard material
27usd at IOS apps
50usd at Google Store for mobile apps