DAOs and project members:
Black Cat Cinema DAO
Arroz Criativo DAO
Funding scheme: One month.
Project: Five open-air cinema shows through July. Following on from June proposal here.
Links: Instagram, Facebook, website, Mintbase store.
Previously funded projects: Marketing, Poster art, Mintbase & DAO, Season opening 2022, logo and brand re-design, Estufada Artistica, June.
Five open-air film exhibitions through June, in collaboration with Arroz Estúdios.
A brief introduction to what we do: Black Cat was created to bring an alternative vision of cinema-going to Lisbon. To exhibit the greatest films ever made in beautiful, cultural and social settings. You can read a little more in our introduction here.
June 2022 recap
Summer has got off to a great start! The shows have been as popular as we hoped, and July is already looking like it will just as popular.
To recap on our goals from last month:
Every scheduled event has gone ahead as planned.
Both of the special events for Pride Week and World Refugee day we a big success. The musicians playing before the film connected really well with the audience and enhanced the theme and impact of the evenings. Half the musicians fees we also paid in NEAR after onboarding.
So, overall we’re currently under our target of 90 attendance per night. But as the weather improves, and collaborations improve too, this is expected to increase.
Initial schedule from 5th July to 26th July
05/07/22 Lion
12/07/22 Lost In Translation
18/07/22 Pulp Fiction (extra show added due to popularity - pending film distributor approval)
19/07/22 Pulp Fiction
26/07/22 Grease - Special event.
Our plan is to continue the sessions in August, when another proposal will be submitted to this community.
NEAR integration recap
1. Drive new traffic to Arroz Estúdios.
The final figures at the end of the month now exceed our targets.
Total of 472 people through the door, for an average of 94.4 per night. Above our target of 90.
Total of 385 new memberships, for an average of 82%. Above our target of 77%, although this can be expected to decrease as people start returning for their 2nd and 3rd events.
2. Directly expose our audience to the NEAR name and ecosystem.
Using our audience’s core interests of films and events, we will incorporate NEAR naturally as a part of our public content.
The next round of our poster competition is open, and is going to close tomorrow. We have had 21 entries so far, which is a big increase on the last round. The winners will be chosen by the end of the week, and publicized through our social and online channels.
3. NFT ticketing
It was a slow month for the NFT tickets, and, due to time restrictions for Mintickt and their commitments to NEAR Foundation, we will have to postpone the next NFT ticketed shows until their platform is up and running in full mode: Planned for August. In total we sold 11 units over thee shows (Flee, 120BPM, & Juno).
We took a break for Interstellar to give the dev team some time to prepare for the 120BPM and Flee shows, and instead sent NFT souvenir gifts to every customer in the post-event email. These contained free wallet addresses with the NFTs inside. Four new wallets were created from the links in this campaign, and 20 customers opened the link in total.
4. Metaverse
As previously mentioned, planned for later in the summer.
Project updates
The video is in the final stage of editing, and we have a rough cut already. We hope to have this finished within the next few days.
June & budget
Film licenses x5 $1,812 total: 65%. 1178USD
Special events
Pulp Fiction Double Bill
Our first back to back double feature. Event decorations & additional publicity: 200USD
Grease special: Additional decor, publicity and actors/musicians. 200USD
Traditional ticketing: 249USD
Equipment transport x5 : 37USD
English to Portuguese: emails, film and event information: $100
Split Black Cat DAO and Arroz Criativo DAO
Black Cat Cinema DAO - 1364USD
Arroz Criativo DAO - - 600USD
Production has already started and marketing is already out. Last July show on 26/06/22
Target: blackcatcinema.near
black-cat-cinema.sputnik-dao.near / KYC through @dan_E