Black Cat Cinema DAO July budget
DAO: Black Cat Cinema DAO
Previous Budget: June budget
Previous report: June report
Links: Instagram, Facebook, website, Mintbase store.
Current Balance
Project/Council Members:@dan_E, @TJ89,@mayamor
Projects to be funded:
July open-air cinema at Arroz Estudios
Budget split between Arroz Criativo DAO and Black Cat DAO. Black Cat total: 1364 USD
Ongoing project until October 2022. New proposals to be created for coming months.
New open-air cinema shows and expanding audience reach.
The 2022 season has got off to an incredible start. We’re keeping the momentum rolling and diversifying our audience and locations. 1187 USD
3rd film poster art competition
Following on from the success of our second poster art competition. This is a second open call for artists to re-imagine the artwork for film posters. 150 USD
Metrics for success
10 wallets created. Creation during collaborations with artists, such as photographer, translator, musicians for pre-event shows.
Audience through the door at Arroz
05/07: Sold out - 100
12/07: Sold out - 100
18/07: 100 (projection)
19/07: Sold out 100
26/07: 100 (projection) -
Driving traffic to Arroz Estúdios: 400 new members at the association.
Revisited the number slightly since just missing last month’s target! -
Artwork competition round 3: Competition run and advertised. Final winners minted into NFTs and on sale. Announced on Instagram quoting NEAR, NEAR Foundation, and NFT artwork to 5500 followers.
NEAR name and brand exposed on-screen to 450 people (first three shows) in Santos.
Council matters: Monthly budget, report, voting. 400 USD
Total: 3101 USD
Target: blackcatcinema.near / KYC through @dan_E
Anything else the Creatives DAO Council should know?