Hello Nomades!
This Report refers to: [ Proposal ] [UPDATED] MobiDance 3 for Nomade Label DAO
L3V1AT4 @l3v1at4
Fly Goa @fly
Ritamaria @ritamaria
Project satuts: Concluded
this is the REPORT of MobiDance3, a telematic dance event in which 3 dancers are invited to produce videos from their dance performances, to be soundtracked later by composers Fly Goa, Ritamaria, and L3V1AT4, encouraging creativity and expression of the sound creation through dances, and later offering a platform to showcase these collective experimentations, in which composers work in partnership with dancers.
The proposal was written by L3V1AT4
Making MobiDance: As agreed, the third edition of MobiDance was held on June 29th, in the form of a Youtube stream on Nomade Label channel. We divided the production into three stages: pre-production, execution and post-production.
Pre-production: June, 15th to 18th
- This stage was for the selection of dancers. A call was made on the forum for dancers interested in participating, and we received 3 submissions: Isadora Prata (@isadora_prata), Mariana Taques (@mariana_taques.near) e Letícia Esposito (@leticia_esposito). On June 18th, the dancers were announced on the forum.
Execution: June 19th to 28th
From June 19th - 23rd the dancers produced their vídeos and sent to the composers via wetransfer link. A whatsapp group was opened to facilitate communication among those involved.
From June 23rd-27th, we received the videos made by the dancers and produced the soundtracks: Fly Goa produced for Isadora Prata, Ritamaria produced for Leticia Esposito and L3V1At4 produced for Mariana Taques…
On June, 28th we finalized the videos by synchronizing the audios and adding the opening and closing vignettes. A video with the 3 pieces was assembled for transmission via youtube.
The publicity pieces for the event were also prepared with images and sounds extracted from the videos. All those involved contributed with the promotion of the event on their social networks.
Finally, on June 29th the broadcast of MobiDance 3 on Nomade Label DAO’s youtube channel took place as planned. At the same moment, a parallel broadcast of the event was released in a parcel on Voxels Metaverse, gently powered by Gus Manute (@gushlewis). And also @blusw boradcasted Mobidance3 on a voxel’s space, all shown below.
Here is the link to the youtube broadcast:
Here some pictures of the parcel on Voxels:
and finally the prints from Blua’s space:
Post-production: between June 30th and July 2nd.
- The finalization of this process was the payouts released to all who participated and the report of the proposal.
We thank the dancers, who provided beautiful interpretations and forms for our soundtracks, NEAR Protocol and DanceDAO for their support, and Nomade Label DAO for their partnership.
We intend to continue this project by involving DAO dancers in new telematic events, where movement and sound art meet and dialogue in the creation of video dances. We also intend to mintage the pieces produced in this edition, and it will happen in the DanceDAO store at Mintbase.
a note about payments:
This month, for us Brazilians, there was a change in the way to make withdrawals through Binance. Because of these changes, it would not be possible for the dancers to make their withdrawals individually (because the amount did not reach the minimum required for the transaction). So we opted to make the payments to them through pix. The process is described below with the images.
Also for internal reasons, we decided that the payments to all the participants would be made by Ritamaria, who received from L3V1AT4 the corresponding amount for this transaction.
transfer in DAI from L3V1 to Ritamaria:
transfer in DAI from Ritamaria to Fly Goa:
Ritamaria converting NEAR to REAIS and transfers to the dancers:
binance converting near to bitcoin:
pague com bitcoin - transfer to reais:
transfer via pix from Ritamaria to the dancers:
all this payout process counted with the gentle support by @gushlewis ! Thank you Gus for supporting us in this journey!!