[proposal] MobiDance

Title: MobiDance

Proponents :

Fly Gomes

NEAR account for payment: flygoa.near

L3V1 AT4 ( Levi Levita )

NEAR account for payment: l3v1at4.near

Hello, we are FlyGoa and Levi, we are new here and were on-boarded in the Ecosystem through the FEMINU exhibition, curated by @Ghini. We also participated in events held by Nomade Label #nomadelabel-dao and Gambiarra store #gambiarra-dao

This is our first proposal ever. We will be presenting a virtual event with 4 different dance artists and their videos in order to celebrate International Dance Day, also known as World Dance Day. This date is intended to honor one of the most lively and ancient artistic manifestations that exist:dance! Dance has the power to capture and transmit particular traits of different cultures over time.

Project Timeline: April 13th - 29th

  • From April 13th - 18th : Me and @l3v1at4 composed 4 soundtracks that you can listen here
  • From April 18th - 25th : Dancers will choose their favorite track and will make a video of them dancing to the soundtrack. Then, will submit their videos here in the forum replies indicating the song they chose, why and their near wallet address.
  • From 25th - 28th : We will select 4 videos, contact the artists and send the invitation link to the event. If there are more candidates than vacancies, we will open a vote, using the hearts in the comments to approve the candidacies by vox populi (open to the community), no longer a choice of the proponent.
  • April 29th: The online event will happen and is going to be streamed live on NĂ´made Label’s and F(r)esta festival Youtube channel.

Objective: The purpose of the proposal is to carry out this work in a virtual event connecting with artists from Rio de Janeiro and SĂŁo Paulo.

Justification: Dance has the power to capture and transmit particular traits of different cultures over time. We are proposing a way to characterize the body’s senses through sound recordings of noise music with a focus on promoting the idea of ​​searching for identity and its creative power.

Budget: 500 USD in NEAR

• Fund for contemplating each of the 4 selected dancers with a prize for choosing one of the tracks and sending a video with the performance = 200 USD ( 50 USD to each )
• Fund to pay flygoa.near (in NEAR) for designing part of the soundtracks = 150 USD
• Fund to pay l3v1at4.near (in NEAR) for designing part of the the soundtracks = 150 USD

Who can apply: nĂ´mades - members of NĂ´made Label community - and GUME dancers

Sub-total = 500 USD

About us :

Flygoa I flaviagoa | Linktree.

Sound artist and guitarist. I started working as a soundtrack designer for cinema documentaries, theater and contemporary dance presentations for both sponsored and independent initiatives. I recorded and released my last album that combines poetry with sound through Desmanche label and already released several albums, E.P.s through other labels such as Música Insólita. Currently I’m curator of F(r)esta festival de improvisação, an experimental music event through Youtube and presencial shows.

L3V1 AT4 | @l3v1.at4 | Linktree

Multi-artist and graphic designer based in Brazil. Their work transits between visual, sound and digital arts. Interested in creating with different media and tools. Since 2018, I’ve been researching electronic music production and technologies such as open-source hardware, sensors and programming languages. My sound expression is situated in experimental, noise and electronic music. In 2019 I released a split with .ADA through the Música Insólita label and made soundtracks for actors and dancers of Teatro Dy Afronte. From 2020-2021 I designed {/Antropomorfo}, an installation art project - done with coding and a microsoft’s Kinect sensor - That includes the body and motion in relation to sound and image. My relationship with dance is quite subjective, as a teen I became a fan of Butoh, other contemporary dance styles and choreographers such as Pina Bausch, Kazuo Ohno and William Forsythe. But mostly, I dance to myself in isolated motion meditations.


Hello @fly and @l3v1at4 !
Nomade LAbel is very happy to receive your proposal <3 I am sure it will be amazing <3


Oi Fly, acho que teve um pequeno erro de digitação, que pode ser editavel.

Outro ponto no mesmo tópico, é que a forma de captação des 4 dançarines pode ser estipulado uma regra. Por exemplo:

“- Submeter sua candidatura pelos comentários, e se tiverem mais candidates que vagas, abrimos uma votação, utilizando os corações nos comentário para aprovar as candidaturas por vox populli(aberta a comunidade), deixando de ser uma escolha d@ proponente.”
O que achas dessa ideia, pode ser de outra forma tambem, vai de sua criatividade.

Grato pela proposta, isso calha muito bem com a outra proposta do mĂŞs:
[Proposal]“Dia Internacional da Dança no EAT + Chá com Bolo - Physical Event - Transdisciplinary Tech-Arty rendezvous” - Creatives - NEAR Forum


Que legal ver @fly e @l3v1at4 propondo :star_struck: ahazashlay!


Dears @fly and L3V1, I am so proud of you!!! Your proposal is awesome and I am looking forward to see it approved. To see you both proposing such a beautiful project to the Near community, bringing your art and sensitivity, fills my heart with joy. I am very proud of you and I want to say you made my day very special. Congratulations!! Hooray for World Dance Day :heart: :heart: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :butterfly:


Dance on the NFT world :hugs::hugs:


Sim, terminamos agora de fazer a edição com muita organização de Levi!! Ainda será postado! :****


Lutar, ok, mas dançar também, faz bem para a saúde! :wink:


proposal incrĂ­vel, @fly e @l3v1at4 :heart: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Proposta maravilhoso. Amei. Parabéns @fly e L3V1 :grinning::clap:t2::clap:t2:


Dear Ghini, thank you for your kind words and all the support you’ve been giving us since our on-boarding here on Near Protocol. We are very grateful and let’s dance :dancer: !


Oi Blu, alteramos o texto e incluĂ­mos sua sugestĂŁo assim como adicionamos mais detalhes de como o protejo funcionaria.


@Mayramendes @ritamaria @BiaVictal @pinkalsky @LulucaL @mayhd Thank you all for the support and comments :heartpulse: :dizzy:



grato de ter voces na nossa comunidade, propondo, criando e se engajando, Ă© assim, nĂŁo tem outro jetio :wink:


Perfeito :slight_smile:
esta ficando lindo essa interação entre dao e comunidades

lets dance!


Nós que somos grates por nos receber e nossa proposta na Nômade Label :pray: e qualquer observação na proposal estamos prontes pra fazer as alterações :wink:


Quero dançar com vocês :heart:


hey! loving to see so much diversity and strength. forward in productions dear @fly + @l3v1at4 !


ameeeei! já quero dançar nessa proposta <3


Boa noite! Sim, pedimos para todos acompanhem o fórum. Começaremos com você! :wink: