Proposal to compose 4 spoken word poetry NFT’s

Hello writers community,

I am very much excited as I present my proposal of writing and recording four spoken word Poetry NFT’s with artistic covers/images which will showcase a different form of poetry in the blockchain involving different production levels and design. This project will be minted in the Writers guild store with split revenue and royalties of 80% to me and 20% to the DAO and I will pay for the minting gas fee.

PROJECT: Compose 4 spoken word poetry NFT’s

PROPONET: oblakofficialss

NEAR account: oblakofficialss.near

OBJECTIVE: To compose and mint the first series of spoken word poetry NFT’s on the Writers mintbase store

Once approved, this project will commence on the 7th of April and fully completed/submitted by 28th April, 2022.

-April 15th-17th: Artwork design by @tediv
-April 18th: First studio session
-April 19th: Project report, first half.
-April 25th: Second studio session.
-April 28th: Submission of final project

  • $200 in NEAR to pay @tediv for artwork design ( $50 each X 4)
  • $200 in NEAR to pay @DedeukwushryneStudio for studio session ( $100 each X 2 days)
  • $200 in NEAR for audio production ( $50 X 4)
  • $200 in NEAR (my bounty)


FINAL PRODUCT: This will be a collection of spoken word poetry NFT’s minted with the contents as unlockable and I’ll be sending one NFT to our DAO’s wallet here:

@gabrielfelipejacomel @pinkalsky @Dedeukwu


I liked your project very much, and I would like to ask some questions about it, if you don’t mind.

You will pay to tediv to do what? Image artwork for each track? Could you edit your post and specify it further for the rest of the community?

And your payment is for the spoken poetry?

I am just checking if I understood it right. If this is what you meant, I am ok with the project and I think we should proceed with it.

There is just one thing we should talk about. It is a good administrative practice that we pay for the task only when it is completed. So do you think you could pay for the studio and we pay you back when you deliver the products (the minted tracks)?

Just to resume, your deliverables will be 4 minted audio nfts with spoken poetry, treated by a sound engineer and recorded in a studio, with an image as cover art for each one of these nfts. Is this right?

In how much time will you delivery these products? Could you edit your post and add your time-frame for the project?

Could you also add your wallet?

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Alright then. I’ll do that right away

All four poetries will come with different covers/designs that portrays the theme of each poem which will be minted as an NFT to be sold, and offer the contents of the poetry as a file that can be unlocked upon purchase of the NFT. So it is in this regard that Ted would be involved. I’ve considered your request to pay for studio sessions which will be reimbursed upon product delivery.


Wonderful. We just have to consider when you are making each part of your project and when you are delivering the products, and we are ready to go!


That’s not a problem at all.


I love the idea of a spoken word, it’s clear to me brother

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Hey @Oblakofficialss , I appreciate being included in your proposal and it looks very interesting but I would prefer to be consulted about it first and discuss the details further before my confirming my inclusion in the project! Maybe we could chat on telegram? thanks

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Okay that’s fine. I’ll talk to you later about this as it has been postponed for next month.

Ok, thanks, looking forward to hearing from you.

Hello, Oblak!
we are very happy for receiving your proposal please submit it at ASTRO , if it is your first time and have any doubt you can ask us here or at our telegram


Thank you @pinkalsky
I submitted it for last month but it was rescheduled for this month of April. Do I still need to submit on ASTRO?

hello! I think pool submission might be necessary

Ok. We’d see about that

hello @Oblakofficialss The Writer’s Guild Council is happy to announce that we are ready to make the first half of the payment to your proposal, please submit the transfer request of 400 DAI on ASTRO ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ ࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲࣲ

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Thank you very much. I’ll do that right away.

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Project name: Composition of 4 spoken word poetry NFT

Project status: ongoing


Since this is my first major project involving NFT’s and the blockchain, I became very anxious of how to create a worthy piece that will be totally different from what I’ve been doing before. It was really tough finding inspirations relating to what contents I wanted to work on but I feel glad to know that the end result would be satisfying to mention at least, judging from what has been done so far. I wrote all four poems in English language while the graphics designers are currently working on the cover arts.

Below are images from the studio session


The first Graphics designer @ted.iv responsible for creating the cover arts has been very much occupied with projects and still is, so I had to contact another Graphics designer @micheal_tobi.near to handle it which he is currently doing and @Roxy for the same purpose. @marshallmuze who I newly onboarded to the NEAR ecosystem produced the sound track for all four poems to be voiced on and has been paid. He did a really great job with the sounds and there was a perfect synergy between the sounds and story. @Dedeukwu also received first part of payment for a studio session while @micheal_tobi.near and @Roxy will be paid their first half to commence work.


I’ll be submitting my final report on the 10th of May if all conditions remain the same but not to exceed that day. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts. I’d also like to know if it’s okay to request payout on Astro for the second half so I can finish up and submit before due date.

@bagadefente @AshleyC @pinkalsky @beet93


Thanks @oblakofficialss for the opportunity to work with you :pray:t4:

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You’re welcome friend. Hopefully we get to work more in the future.

Thanks @Oblakofficialss
We will definitely routing for the best

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I do know one thing, you’re a genius. Your poems are powerful and it was such a privilege working with you on this project.