[open bounty] spoken word artists

As we all know, spoken words empowers voice through verses. Verily, there is power in our tongues.

This is an call to all spoken word artists to showcase their “words” and win cool cash prizes.


• 1minute video expressing yourself in any language

• Post on twitter & Instagram, tag @nearxart

• Entry should be minted as an NFT in the spoken word store

•Spoken words must foster around Near protocol or it’s attributes

• Participants must be following @Nearxart on all social platforms

1st position: $150
2nd position: $100
3rd position: $70
4th position: $50

Follow our channel:

Telegram group here

YouTube channel here

Twitter page here

Instagram page here

Tiktok page here

We are happy to receive your entry,


Super cool bounty! I love this one specially and I’m working on something for y’all :blush:

What if the participant don’t use Instagram? Can the person still apply?

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Gonna do some todo :star_struck::raised_hands: me like It!


I’m coming with a banger… Let’s get to work… Please add me to your store



What’s the deadline of this bounty?


Please post the same bounty over our Reddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/nearprotocol/n, then tag me with the link so I can pump it up over Reddit.

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Thanks ! The link you attached is coming up as “invalid” . Could you kindly send another link @jiten123321

The duration is 14th to 31st of July 2022

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Haha! I’m glad you love it; we can’t wait to see what is cooking :fire:

You should consider posting on Instagram too, let’s push for wider audience! :nerd_face::top:

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Yaaay! Let’s gooo! You have been added to the store!

Happy to receive your entry!!

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Happy to receive your entry! Don’t forget to follow our socials :metal:t4::grin::fire:

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Adorei! <3
Vou participar!

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Hi please add me on the store, yonakawaii.near

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Hi friend, You have been added.

Seeing this now but let’s see what i can do

Hi, there’s an extension on this bounty now, the closing date will be communicated.

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Hi can i still join.?


Yes yes yes! Feel free to also refer your friends :relaxed::v:t3::relaxed:


Sure im on it. :raised_hands: gonna shared it to others. :hugs:

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Hi, you have been added to stage spoken word store.

Yes, there’s an extension for this bounty

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