This proposal is in effect to create a multimedia presentation of the definition and applications of DAPP deployed on the NEAR Blockchain. It is meant to serve the purpose of bringing to the attention of Newbies the various Dapps within the ecosystem and their applications.
Many users are not accustomed to the various Dapps within NEAR. This presentation would use very simple languages to explain Dapps and present a list of the most active Dapps while explaining their use and how the individual would benefit from using them.
This would definitley be a source of proper education for newbies within NEAR or people who are new to crypto to conveniently educate themselves with
The process of achieving this project would be as follows
- Contract a graphic designer
- Create animated images for the slideshow
- Contract a narrator to generate voice accompaniment to explain the slideshow
4.Place emphasis on how the individual can benefit something by engaging each Dapp - Edit content to follow pleasurably educating sequence with NEAR wallet creation http and logos at select intervals within the presentation
Budget: $100
I would allow for the DAO to publish the finalized content on their social channels while also publishing on my own social channel personally
If the DAO has a mintbase store, i would love to mint in the mintbase store with 50% on royalties and revenue
Onboard at least 10 new users to NEAR by strategic sponsored promotion
Gain traction of at least 300 views on socials including instagram, tiktok etc
Engagement with NEAR Dapps after projecting the beneficial sides of each Dapp
I appeal to the Young fresh DAO to consider my proposal as a contribution to the good work they are doing in supporting young creatives in West Africa.
Looking forward to your response, Thanks