[Event Proposal] NEAR music open mic and MARKET, Carnival for December 2021

My purposal make in December like 19-27
NEAR music open mic and market and carnival

  1. Invite different musicians for performing on stage one two songs for one band or artist during all evening (it can be 5-25 artists)
    On stage put big banner we have already
    We need person who be on stage speaking and soundengeneer

  2. Invite handmade creators or other salers (10-20 people) for sale goods or food and give them free place on market and all salers have to make wallets and create NFT of them services or goods and put price for it and send to tg group goa nft, where people can choose goods to buy

  3. People who coming to our event have to create walllets or who have wallets we can send all them 3-5 dollars and they need create NFT about our market with NEAR logo, and they need to buy something on our market for this 3-5 dollars like to buy NFT and after change this nft to goods, estimated people who can come 30-150 people
    expenses ~3$*150people=450 $

  4. We need 3-5 people team who can help people create NFT and help to create wallets and send them 3 $

This only idea guys lets discuss if interested
May be you have more effective and interesting idea for onboarding

1000 $ we can try with this budget letsee
But i think to feel comfortable 1500$

And we need around 30-50% advance please in case approved



i think its best idea for onboarding to Near for new people! 5-15 artists we can bring easily. So many talants in Goa :grinning:
i can make on stage speaking :grinning:
n onstage singing :crazy_face:


I’m in :star_struck:
many years experienced with organizing music festivals in Belarus, now i can put my effords here for NEAR and our genious team

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Hey @dmitryne this proposal looks a lot like this one. Can you clarify pls.

cc @NxM council

@vandal thank you for asking

No it is not same i have my ideas my vision how to organise festival and how to produce music track , after i put proposal i take responsibility for it , just i can invite @denni_wild and other people in my project or event like invited musicians or people who help me with this

If @denni_wild or @johanga posted purposal then they take all responsibility for purposal which they posted, about event or about project

This is difference , cause we have some ideas almost similar but i think we have different ideas how to realise it

If u have some questions please ask

Thank you :blush:

we’ve described the difference here in comments
and as a team (that is growing to a Guild) we are working together on all the events, becoming better each of us in our tasks
this time we decide to apply our different ideas one by one (until we are not a Guild), so we’ll do any that you will approve the best way

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