Discord Bi-Weekly Report [April 22 - May 6, 22.]

Happy New week to Near community as i bring the usual episode of the Near Discord server community report to your timelines to see the progress we keep achieving in the past weeks.
Lets start off with growth and engagements.


A growth from 45.8K to 46.5K members. Thats great!

Now, lets see how many members tried to join our Discord Server over the past 14 days.

The spikes in joining members can be linked to various activities and contests organised and moderated by the @ConciergeTeam. Kudos!

Let’s take a look at those events over the past days.
Events held in Near Discord are listed below accordingly .

  • MemeMonday Contest | April 25, 22.
  • WedNearsday Contest | April 27, 22.
  • NFTfridays | April 29, 22.
  • AMA with Fayyr | April 30, 22.
  • MemeMonday Contest |May 2, 22.
  • WedNearsday Contest |May 4, 22.
  • AMA with NearP2P | May 5, 22.

For weekly Events and how to participate, kindly refer to this report for more details.
Moving forward to most active channels in the Near Discord Server. Here is how acvtive the channels are.

Constant engagement and interaction in these three main channels.

Also, lets quickly take a look at a particular event, channel, #NFTfriday.
This event, over the past few week has been having gradual engagements, beautiful submissions and interactions on that channel. Its one of the weekly contests that we have running on the Server. @bailey12 of the @ConciergeTeam on this initiative! :sunglasses:

Lets take a look at the trending topics and what users talk about mostly.

Thats a wrap on the Report. Great work done by the @ConciergeTeam for their immense work. Kudos to us all!

Feedbacks and opinions are highly welcomed to move the Server Forward. Thank You!