[CLOSED Bounty] Propulsion Writing

Lembrei do verbo outrar-se, criado por Fernando Pessoa :slight_smile: Gracias @felipebrait


A biofilia pode hoje ser considerada uma parafilia? E amanhã?

Sinistros humanos para humanos sinistros?

Quais são as melhores ferramentas para produzir subjetividades gratuitamente na Web3?


Dear ones, thank you so much for all the questions, thoughts and engagement in our bounty! Very awesome to read all the questions, we are very inspired! The decision will be very hard and we will announce, here in the post, in a few days the 3 selected questions!


(English below)

Com imenso prazer divulgamos as 3 perguntas selecionadas!

Quem é você sem suas máscaras?
Who are you without your masks?

Como é o futuro que você imagina?

“How does the future you imagine looks like?”

Como você define justiça?
How do you define justice?

Essas perguntas irão guiar nossa sequência de derivas. Em algumas delas fizemos pequenas adaptações. Pedimos que os respectivos autores verifiquem se estão de acordo com as adaptações. Agradecemos à participação de todos, todas, todxs. Muitas perguntas estão nos inspirando para a continuidade deste trabalho. Nos próximos estágios previstos nesta proposal entraremos em contato com autores de outras perguntas que estão aqui para conversarmos sobre possíveis desdobramentos. As perguntas selecionadas agora foram pensadas para a rua e outras acreditamos que podem vir a ser melhor exploradas no processo de escrita do e-book.
O valor da bounty será transferido para as carteiras dos selecionados após recebermos o valor da proposal.

Saudações cordiais Fernanda Paixão e Paloma Klisys

it is a pleasure to share the selected questions!


Who are you without your masks?


“How does the future you imagine looks like?”


How do you define justice?

These questions will guide our drift sequence. In some of them we have made little adaptations. We ask the respective authors to verify if they agree with the adaptations. We thank everyone for their participation. Many questions are inspiring us to continue this work. In the next stages of this proposal we will contact the authors of other questions that are here to talk about possible developments. The questions selected now were thought for the street and others we believe can be better explored in the process of writing the e-book.
The bounty will be transferred to the wallets of those selected after we receive the value of the proposal.

Best regards Fernanda Paixão and Paloma Klisys


OOOOOHHHHHHH que emoção!!!
sinto-me honrada! tantas frases incríveis!
parabéns a todes que participaram e a você, Fernanda e @palomak pela linda bounty!


@fernandapaixao e @palomak
eu topo a adaptação, mas sugiro que seja:
quem é você sem suas máscaras?
pode ser?


:o ooohh massa! Não esperava ser selecionado, que emoção!! Obrigado @Fernanda_Oliveira e @palomak por essa bela bounty! Quero muito ver fotos das intervenções depois. Estou de acordo com as alterações e esqueci de deixar minha near wallet no post da pergunta : l3v1at4.near


Thank you so much for picking my question, and yes I agree with the decision you’ve made.


sim Rita!
concordo plenamente :slight_smile:


olá! que bom que você ficou contente!
Agradecemos demais as perguntas


Thanks @pusart.near :slight_smile:


Hello everyone, below our schedule and place of derives at São Paulo/ Brazil !

Day 08/09
Human Rights >
Luz Station - Júlio Prestes - Former DOPS
8:30am to 12pm

Subjectivity Production > Minhocão
Minhocão - from 1pm

Day 9/14
Civilization x Biodiversity > Santa Generosa Viaduct (Exit of Paraíso Subway Station) from 2 PM on.


Welcome,please inform me when the prize is already out.Thank you.

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Hello people!

I kindly ask the bounty winners to write their wallets here so we can make the payment @ritamaria @I3v1at4 @pusart.near

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Hello,my wallet is


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Done. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hello people!

Payments made. Thank you once again. Soon we will update information about the creative process. Next week we will start the urban drifts.


looking forward to walk with you!
:purple_heart: :purple_heart:


Hello Folks,

[REPORT ONGOING PROCESS] Propulsion Writing Step 1:

The next report will be made after the urban drifts have been performed. The drifts mix performance and urban art intervention and are naturally open to the general public without any age restrictions. All members of the Near Ecosystem who are in the city of São Paulo and interested in participating are welcome to join this experience.

A webpage for the project is now online in English and Portuguese. Follow the news about the creative process there. Feedbacks are welcome

Link webpage in Portuguese: https://www.labirintoonirico.com.br/propulsion-writing
Link webpage in English: https://www.labirintoonirico.com.br/en/propulsion-writing

See you !

Best Regards @palomak and @fernandapaixao


next week the questions will hit the streets !