Creatives DAO
Categories: Creatives, Creatives DAO
Tags : guild-reports, monthly-reports
Monthly Report : September 2022
Project Name: [Propulsion Writing]
Proponent: Paloma Klisys @palomak and Fernanda Paixão @fernandapaixao
Project Status : [ in progress ] Stage 1 complete
Astrodao: near-writers-collective.sputnik-dao.near
Link to previous proposal: [Proposal] Propulsion Writing - #5 by palomak
Stage 1 - August to September 22, 2022
Realization of the bounty. Status: completed.
Selection of questions/provocations. Status: completed
Payment of the authors of the selected questions/provocations. Status: finished.
Preparation, mapping of the urban drifts Status: Completed
Execution of the urban drifts: Status: Completed
Realized on the dates on 08/09, 11/09 and 23/09.
It was necessary to change the date of the drift scheduled for September 15 because it rained and the weather conditions would make the urban intervention unfeasible. The drift scheduled for September 15 was performed on the 21st.
We conducted the bounty foreseen in step 1 and there was a community interaction that exceeded our expectations.
We received 68 questions that were elaborated according to three thematic axes determined by the proponents: Civilization x Biodiversity; Human Rights and Production of subjectivity.
From these 68 questions, three were selected:
@ritamaria Who are you without your masks?
@l3v1at4 “How does the future you imagine looks like?”
@pusart.near How do you define justice?
We chose these questions because they are simple and striking within the proposed thematic axes and because they have the potential to serve as triggers for spontaneous dialogues with passers-by.
Link: [CLOSED Bounty] Propulsion Writing
Paloma Klisys created a web page in Portuguese and English about the project. Link:
Another important point to note is the choice of locations where the urban drifts/artistic interventions were performed
Justification of the locations chosen by the duo
For the artists it is important to highlight that the locations chosen for the urban drifts/artistic interventions were determined from the questions selected in the bounty.
Human Rights > Luz Station - Júlio Prestes - Deops
For the thematic axis “Human Rights” the artists decided to perform the urban drift/artistic intervention in the area around a public building that is very important for the history of our country because it was the location of the Deops (Department of Political and Social Order) during the military dictatorship, where hundreds of people against the dictatorship and the suppression of the democratic state of rights were brutally tortured.
More than forty years later, the region chosen by the artists continues to be one of the places in the city where inequalities and social contradictions manifest themselves with a high intensity. The area has a large flow of people and a population of homeless people in a high degree of social vulnerability enhanced by the absence of public policies, precarious living conditions, illicit drug use, and constant conflicts with the police.
Subjectivity Production > Minhocão
For the thematic axis “Production of Subjectivity” the artists chose a large avenue that connects the east and west regions of the city called “Minhocão”. During the weekends this avenue is closed to cars and is transformed into a leisure space for the population living in the central region of the city. Although it has no green area and no structure for people to go to the bathroom or to eat, this avenue functions as a kind of urban park and attracts a large number of people from different social classes and age groups.
Civilization x Biodiversity >
Santa Generosa Viaduct (Exit of Paraíso Subway Station)
For the thematic axis “Civilization and Biodiversity” the artists chose one of the exits of the Paraíso subway station. The place chosen for the writing was the Santa Generosa Viaduct. The region in question is the beginning of Avenida Paulista, the main avenue in the city of São Paulo, a place where thousands of people use to walk every day. Paulista Avenue was the first major avenue of the city of São Paulo, inaugurated in 1891, and is currently the place with the largest circulation of people of different social classes coming from all regions of the city.
- On September 9, during the urban drift performed at the “Minhocão”, journalists Marcos Bohler and Paulo Munhoz from the German television Deustche Welle DM recorded a report that will be exhibited by the end of the year. There is drone footage of the question that was written in public space.
Metric reflection/ Community engagement:
Although the focus of the proposal is to publish an e-book, there are video and audio records that will be edited and shared on social networks (twitter, instagram), on the Astrodao Forum, and Telegram groups with members of the Near ecosystem.
We posted a few snippets in order to start advertising our final product to a small community in our private social networks. The videos and images had a total reach of 1117 views.
Our goal in the next stage is to disseminate the edited video and audio material of the process and the responses collected live from people in the social networks of partner DAOs and the social networks of the NEAR Foundation that are receiving materials for dissemination, in addition to a media work as already started with the German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.
- How many community members participated in the activities
21 members
- How many community members were rewarded
The artists Paloma Klisys @palomak , Fernanda Paixão @fernandapaixao , and Gabriel Felipe Jacomel @gabrielfelipejacomel who will be responsible for registering the drifts in photos and videos, and the three bounty winners.
We consider that the proposal has a rich content and that generating discussions that go from the digital universe to the physical universe is an important action for those who are working in the ecosystem.
These actions allow a greater engagement of people both inside and outside the ecosystem, and with this engagement, we ensure a greater understanding when explaining who is the NEAR Foundation that is subsidizing the work and which ecosystem these questions came from. Since this subject is still seen in Brazil as something very abstract.
In this case, the NEAR Foundation is subsidizing physical works of art in South America with its tokens, and so the conversation is established from a meeting place and not an empty marketing discourse.
On the other hand, we realize that it will be necessary to unite with marketing professionals in the next stage for our product generated from these drifts to have a greater reach, nationally and internationally.
Accounting (Still to be paid out/Already paid out ):
- All three bounty winners have been paid out. Gabriel Felilpe Jacomel has already been paid and the artist Fernanda Paixão has already had 170 DAI paid as half of her fee and 50 DAI to cover travel costs.
The artists have not yet received the second part of the payment for the execution of the first stage.
Next Steps:
The realization of the other stages planned in the initial proposal with some changes in the chronogram so that it is possible to enhance the marketing actions that include well-planned strategies for the creation of near wallets and the dissemination of information about the near ecosystem to the public that is not yet familiar with the web3.
Stage 2 - October 20 to December 20
In this stage the artists will organize all the material generated from the three urban drifts planned in the first stage.
Systematization and editing of the registration material (images).
Production of texts
Editing, translation, layout and closing of the bilingual e-book file (Portuguese and English)
Marketing plan
Stage 3 - January
Launch and marketing promotion.
Including a launch event on the metaverse and the creation of NFTs and galleries with part of the edited material (photos and videos).