[Approved] VN Artists Dao April Funding Request (Overview)

VN Artists DAO is a hub for Vietnamese artists & creative enthusiasts in the Near Ecosystem. As of April, we start kicking off our activities to make that vision come true.

Introduction post:

Project/Council Members:

@williamx @IamnotRapper @Mer

Target: vn-artists-dao.sputnik-dao.near

Total Requested Funding Amount: $1993

Projects & Timelines:

1 NEAR = 10,6 USD (CMC 15:00 P.M GMT +7)

No. Activity Budget
1 DAO Creation Reimbursement: 5N ~ 53$ 53
2 - Funding of New Near Wallets (Wallet Activation) 0.5N x 30 = 15N ~ 159$ 159
3 - Logo Creation Bounty 100
4 - Vietnamese Artist DAO April featuring collection (Onboarding campaign) 731
5 - 4 community calls 200
6 - DAO Membership NFT bounty (3 designs/50$ per selected) 150
7 Council Work $200 * 3 councils 600
Total 1993

Time line:

Anything else the Creatives DAO Council should know?

Why the number of Near to activate new wallet is 0.5N while normally 0.1N is enough to activate a wallet?

As the main focus is Artists, this is not a mass adoption of Near wallet. 0.5N is the safe zone to perform basic tasks after creating a wallet. (Newcomers will be trained to use Astro DAO & Mintbase)

Any concern about the amount for council work may have:

We have asked for 30% of the total budget for council work. Besides administration work, we’ll use this budget to cover social media moderation activities. As this is the first month we introduce VAD to the community, we decided not to ask for budget from the Marketing vertical until enough traction is recognized.


Tagging @creativesdao-council for post visibility


Hey there,

On a side note, new DAOs can request a max of 2k from Creatives. Feel free to join our TG channel, we do have office hours tonight at 8pm GMT where you can introduce your project


Also Pls Join our Creatives Discord Server


Hi @tabear, thank you for informing.

The session is at 3A.M for me, so would love to hear more on-chain discussion on the topic as possible. We’ll make a revision and ping creative councils asap.


Feeling welcomed! Thanks @Monish016


Ok no worries, we’ll also have the calls recorded and the Tg & discord channel is open for everyone to join, ask questions and introduce themselves :slight_smile:


Dear @creativesdao-council

Proposal adjusted

  1. Close starter kits for the period of May, in the meantime, we still preparing materials to develop our DAO.

2. Implement DAO Membership NFT bounty, this will be our first bounty for onboarded artists to participate, also chosen artworks will be minted as proof of participant for DAO members.
3. Reduce the budget for council work


I am glad you are building this DAO @williamx ! You also presented the idea perfectly, a lovely timeline too. Thank you.

All my support :white_check_mark:


Thank you, hope to receive the review of @creativesdao-council since this has been posted for 15 days. Thank you so much in advance.

Hi @williamx ,

Proposals made to creatives are reviewed from the 1st to the 7th of each month, and so we encourage community members to look into publishing proposals at that time.

Seeing your proposal I see that it would help a lot if points 5 and 6 were published separately and hyperlinked here. This helps make your proposal clearer and easier for other community members to access.

We are following up and working on moderating the proposals submitted. Let me know if you have any questions =)


Many thanks for the guidelines @hevertonharieno, I have updated as requested.


Hello =) Thank you very much for this proposal.

We approve. It has good content and form. Please go ahead and propose the poll on the Creatives DAO.


Great news. Thanks councils for your kind support and review :muscle:

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Thank you Creatives Community. Hereby is the approved Astro DAO poll on Creatives DAO for reference.


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