[Approved] VN Artists Dao - Funding Proposal For Q2 (Apr-May-June) - 2023

  • DAO introduction

VN Artists DAO (VAD) is a decentralized autonomous organization on the NEAR Protocol for artists and young creative enthusiasts from Vietnam. VAD’s activities aim to advertise Vietnamese creative products to the world using blockchain technology and create a healthy creative environment in cyberspace for all.

Introduction post: [Introduction] VN Artists DAO

Official website: https://www.vnartistsdao.org/

  • Why team is best for the funds

@IamnotRapper A Designer & Social media manager, he’ll be in charge of running campaigns, moderating social channels, hosting competition & helping DAO members with any questions they may face during the onboarding journey.

@agnesba is an independent artist, she joined the ecosystem since 2021 and became an active member of VAD in 2022. With her experience in the ecosystem and through out different projects like Cropsfarmer (https://busd.cropsfarmer.online/), Midas3 (under developed), Agnes will assist VAD with organizing online activities for its members

  • Achievement information about the DAO

Content and Social media stats (web2/web3), on-chain activity, built dapps (if applicable only):

Twitter: x.com (225 followers)

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @VnArtistsDAO (256 members)

IG: VietnamArtistsDao (@vn_artistsdao) • Instagram photos and videos (161 followers)

Website: https://www.vnartistsdao.org/

  1. Share the content links of youtube Instagram with numbers of engagement, website etc, events done IRL

Bounties/online projects: 30+

IRL events: 10+

We are developing a news page on our website to track this better.

  1. Share the number of proposals created, How many councils, size of community, number of NFTs in mintbase, events done in metaverse
  1. DApps if built and the purpose it solves, any traction metrics etc.
  • No dApp is being built. We’re using available tools for our activities.

  • We’ll incorporate those into our training & onboarding activities:

  • Genre - What category does your DAO fall under

  1. Art
  2. Culture
  • Impact

Our activities focus on creating impacts in 3 main pillars:

  • Impact on local community: introduce NFT & blockchain to Vietnamese Artists & help them explore the blockchain world in a safe way. For Q2: We expand our activities into 3 independent hubs in 3 major cities: Ha Noi, Da Nang - Hoi An, Ho Chi Minh, we expect each hub will be backed by 5 core members & an existing studio.

  • Ecosystem impact: Onboarding members onchain & encourage using NEAR tech. We want to create an active hub where creators continue to create using the technology based on their love with art, regardless there is active bounty or not. (Onboard true artists)

  • Broader impact outside the ecosystem: We continue to promote NEAR & Creatives DAO through our connection with our Web2 partners. Additionally, we are also seeking for resources beyond NEAR to do crowdfunding & create more opportunities for artists besides what are proposed in this proposal. Regardless where the resource come from, we’ll continue to use NEAR tech & promote Creatives DAO throughout our activities.

  • Roadmap

This is the long-term roadmap where VAD aims to be self-sustainable at the end of 2024. To leverage this, we have already established relationships with traditional orgs & companies to support a (limited part) scheme of our activities. See our NEARest workshop in collaboration with Có Đủ Cả bookstore system here: VAD 2023 - Events (vnartistsdao.org)


Project 1

Description: This meta-project aims to build 3 VN Artists DAO Hubs (VAD hubs) across Vietnam in 3 major cities (Ho Chi Minh, Ha Noi, Da Nang (Hoi An). Each hub has its own nuclear community & activities
Expected outcome: - Set up 3 hubs: VAD HCMC, VAD Hanoi, and VAD Hoian with 5 initial members each.
- Each hub will be organized around 1 existing studio and its artists to make sure the capability of sustainable onboarding in the future.
- 15 nuclear members (5 in each city) will be fully trained (Binance P2P/Near wallet/Mintbase/Near Social) and assisted to create their first onboarding event to form the initial communities.
- 15 sets of completely active nuclear members to be empowered in the self-governance of each hub
- 2 more councils to be added to VAD councils (1 from Hanoi, 1 from Hoi An, we already have a council from HCMC)
- Hub members can use NFT widgets on Near.Social to mint & transfer NFT with UX-UI
Activities & timelines: - 15 - 29 Apr: Call for hubs core team & contact studios
- 30 Apr: Announce hubs & its initial members
- 1 - 31 May: Training period & brainstorming hub’s roadmap
- Session 1: Open wallet & basic crypto knowledge
- Session 2: NFT, Art NFT & NFT tools
- Session 3: Web3 Social & Near.Social & NFT Widgets
- Session 4: How to organize activities & use Minsta or Genadrop for events. Planning each Hub’s roadmap & KPI
- 1 June: Grand opening event
- 1 - 20 June: Hub settings: store/core members to put up their work to hub assets/initial onboarding & prepare for hub’s proposals in Q3
- End of June: Merge 3 hubs onto VAD Astro DAO & onboard 2 more councils by election
Budget: - $0 - council work: Call for hubs core team & contact studios
- $0 - Announce hubs & its initial members
- 4 Training periods & brainstorming hub’s roadmap
- Session 1: Open wallet, basic crypto knowledge, VAD
- Session 2: NFT, Art NFT & NFT tools
- Session 3: Web3 Social, Near.Social, widgets & other onboarding tools
- Session 4: How to organize activities & hub’s roadmap
- For training: councils will serve as instructors for free ($0), travel expense is $0 (deducted from council work) - venues by partner’s studio is also free, we request $100/each session/hub for an initial gas fee, printing materials & treatment for attendant => $400/hub x3 = $1200
- Artists stipend: $3000 for 15 artists - directly to artists ($200/artists/period of 3 month to onboard, build with us in 3-months commitment) - We take the reference of Marmaj ($165/month) & Ina DAO resident ($700 one time/artists) to apply for our local standard.

Total: $4200
  • Council work: $800 split for 3 councils, including:

    • Set up 3 hubs: VAD HCMC, VAD Hanoi, and VAD Hoian with 5 initial members each.
    • Contact studios: make sure: each hub is backed by 1 existing studio and its artists
    • All training work in the project
    • Travel expenses to serve the work will be spent from the council budget
    • Onboard 2 more VAD councils from hubs at the end of May
  • What is the DAO’s goal or objective?

    • The goals are aligned with our expected outcome. We want to focus %100 on expanding VAD into different major cities of Vietnam so only 1 dedicated project was proposed.
  • Roadmap to reach the goal

    • The roadmap is attached to activities and timelines. This is also the roadmap of the proposal because we attach only 1 project to this proposal
  • How is the longer-term goal divided into milestones making the DAO reach there?

    • Long-term is self-sustainability, we divided our milestones for each quarter based on our roadmap.
  • What will the community or the team member’s role be?

    • Team members will cope with: communicating to studios, onboard artists as initial hub members, educating & providing necessary assistance
    • Community: applying for the calls and bounties to set up hubs/interested members can join our training sessions.

Total request number: $5000

DAO on-chain address (target wallet): vn-artists-dao.sputnik-dao.near


I bet the proposal will be approved and get the necessary points wheras proposals from African people rejected.

William stepped out from the DAO. I don’t understand your thoughts.


@williamx , it’s not like that he’s a thoughtful moderator, it’s not about racists, it’s about building community, one love

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The proposal was granted approval on April 16th within the funding vertical of CreativesDAO, delineating the following details: