Project Name: VN Artists DAO
Project Status: [in progress]
Project members:
Balance: Current account balance: $87.47 (@1:15 PM GMT+7 Aug 10, 2022)
Astrodao: vn-artists-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Previous proposal: [APPROVED] VN Artists Dao – JULY 2022 Funding Request (Overview)
1. Linkdrops
Original post: [Proposal] Linkdrop Creation
Update: We created a campaign of 100 links to onboard new members. Up to now, 83 links have been used throughout activities. The remaining will be used as a linkdrop bank for onboarding in the future activities
2. [Proposal] Register for Legal Wrapper
Original post:
In order to conduct DAO’s future operations lawfully as a structured organization, we registered for Legal Wrapper in July. In the near future, it will be simpler to plan activities in Vietnam thanks to the registration of legal status.
We paid 39 DAI on 2 registration costs and the remaining money on Ethereum fees. We have taken action to register a legal entity for DAO after doing detailed research. The actual cost was ~$100 - the remaining amount was left in multi sig wallet for future transactions.
Metric reflection:
Successfully register for legal wrapper
Final LCC Agreement:
Series_Operating_Agreement.pdf (1.1 MB)
3. Apply 3D Gallery into educational material for travel brochure design classes
For the competition, young people have the opportunity to design a domestic travel brochure and publicly distribute it via social media and the NEAR ecosystem. The activity is acknowledged as being highly beneficial for referencing and has given tourists crucial information.We have received a lot of products with a variety of schedules stretching from North to South. The competition is a wonderful opportunity to educate young Vietnamese people about VAD and the NEAR community as well.
Actual time frame:
- Event duration: 15 July - 25 July, 2022
- Result announcement: 31 July, 2022
Original post:
Open call post:
Metric reflection:
- 13 entries with 13 brochures have been minted.
- 13 hashtag #vietnamartistsdao #makeyourownbrochure on Facebook
- 12 new wallets have been created.
- 20 new account join telegram channel
- Expose our image to the Vietnamese community
- Young people responded enthusiastically to this activity.
- Positive response from participating universities, evaluation of VAD’s activities is very useful and creative.
To see entries via hastag: simply visit #vietnamartistsdao - Explore
4. [Proposal] Bridging artists from VẼ MINH HỌA - Illustration on Facebook into NEAR
The competition was a huge success. We got many excellent pictures from the contest that beautifully captured the culture, geography, and people of Vietnam.We welcome new comers from NFT NEAR Việt Nam to VN Artists DAO and helped them with Minting NFT to participate in the event. The competition offers young artists the chance to showcase their artistic abilities while also bringing VAD and NFT NEAR Vietnam’s reputations closer to the Vietnamese population through the theme of VIET. Create several chances for collaboration in order to grow activities in Vietnam and create a dynamic NFT creative community.
Actual time frame:
- Event duration: 15 July - 25 July, 2022
- Result announcement: 31 July, 2022
Original post:
Open call post:
Metric reflection:
- 47 entries with 30 minted arts
- 41 hashtag #VietnamArtistsDAO #VIET on Facebook
- 30 new wallets have been created.
- 100+ new account join telegram channel
- Expose our image to the Vietnamese community
- As a valuable playground for young people who enjoy art as well as a means of preserving and advancing traditional Vietnamese values.
Top 3:
To see more, check out the total artwork we collected throughout July via:
or simply visit:
5. Workshop: Minting your first NFT through drawing acrylic artworks
Numerous young people from Ho Chi Minh City participated in and helped the session run well. Within 3 hours, participants are guided from the most basic steps to the completion of their work thoroughly by the trainer. The atmosphere of the workshop was lively and full of energy. The organizers are very attentive when preparing food and drinks and enthusiastically support participants. Young people have demonstrated a wide variety of original works that are not just confined to the trainer’s instruction.
All works are minted on Mintbase. The Workshop significantly enhances the reputation of VAD and the NEAR community.
- Publication of the event & register: July 11th-18th, 2022
- Event time: 14:00 (GMT+7) July 24, 2022
- Venue: The Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) building (Tòa nhà Liên hiệp các Hội Khoa học Kỹ thuật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh - 224 Điện Biên Phủ, Võ Thị Sáu, Q.3, TP. HCM)
Duration: 3-hour workshop
Original post:
Open call post:
Metric reflection:
- We received 25 applications for the event on Google Form
- 12 new wallets have been created.
- Strengthen the bond between members & expose our image to the Vietnamese community
- Workshop completed with 15 participants and responded enthusiastically to this activity.
- 20 new acrylic painting NFT minted on VAD’s Mintbase store
Some pictures from the workshop:
For more: visit the Image Drive:
6. Council updates:
Council work breakdown in July: (100% completed): [Proposal] VN Artists DAO Council work breakdown
Internal report with Twitter activities: [Internal Report] VN Artists DAO Moderator July 2022
Internal report with Telegram activities: [Internal Report] VN Artists DAO Moderator July 2022 - Mer
The marketing work was done voluntarily with no budget covered from Marketing. Quote:
This month we opened a call for new positions:
However, base on the number of candidates & reflecting the need of VAD at this certain point, we decided to extend this call indefinitely with the rationale below:
Successfully legal wrapped. =>
Series_Operating_Agreement.pdf (1.1 MB) -
174 members on Telegram so far (Last month was 75 and we surpassed the target) (new members onboarded through activities were taken care with Binance using)
584 NFTs minted/114 minters (Last month: 424 NFTs minted/56 minters on Mintbase store) double the amount of minters
1 community calls made with the strong bond of 4-8 members
1 workshop on using Ref Finance, Near Wallet & Binance P2P on Aug 7th, 2022
30 private calls with members to assist with Minting NFT & cash out rewards. (for those who didn’t attend the workshop or for those who feel unsure how to do it)
1 workshop (1 offline) successfully organized
Collaboration events with local artists group on Facebook ( Vietnam Local Artist Group, VẼ MINH HỌA - Illustration Group, Digital Painting - Illustration)
Still, we feel the onboarding process is not quite smooth with so many calls envolved
Competitions/bounties has short term effects. => reduce resources on those, create smaller but more engaging bounties than big competition that consume DAO fund.
Next Steps:
Register for .org domain & build a website to seeking for resources from local sponsor & partners outside NEAR. (But yes we remain the mission to bring NEAR to our community)
Continue to expand community interaction through workshops & themed activities
Continue working to spread the words though medias & activities
Plan on a swag store to form a business model
Aim for 200 members on TG and 30% of conversion rate to active members