Guild name: VN Artists DAO
Funding scheme: One time
Target wallet: vn-artists-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Total amount proposed: $325
Dear Marketing councils,
VN Artists DAO is a DAO artists and young creative enthusiasts from Vietnam. VAD’s activities aim to advertise Vietnamese creative products to the world using blockchain technology and create a healthy creative environment in cyberspace for Vietnamese people to create on NEAR.
Since establishment, councils of VAD always dedicated their work to create more traction for the DAO without asking for marketing fund.
The DAO’s current stat:
Telegram: 174 members
Twitter: 88 Followers
Instagram: 109 posts / 69 followers
Rationale of the proposal
After 4 months of operating, we believe it’s time to create a website as an official place to present the DAO, adding more credit to reach out local community & projects.
In July, we registered successfully for legal wrapper, VAD is now a LLC, so we are proposing to create an .org website.
VN Artists DAO Series_Operating_Agreement.pdf (1.1 MB)
Request for Marketing:
Proposed domain: (tentative)
No. | Unit | Cost in USD |
1 | Buying domain & protection for 3 years on | 75 |
2 | 1 year of hosting and support tools for low-tech user provided by | 250 |
Total | 325 |
What else marketing councils should know?
This is a part of the total plan to build the website.
For the other part: The cost for designing was proposed to Creatives at the amount of $500 in this proposal
Thank you for your consideration! Cc: @marketingdao-council