[Approved] Neko Morning Show - Livestream Funding Request


Project Name: Neko

Neko Links:

Funding: 1 Month of Livestreams (8 total sessions)


Project Name: Neko


Twitter 25.5k followers

TikTok 1,280 followers

Instagram 324 followers

Youtube 421 Followers

Funding: 1 Month of Livestreams (8 total sessions, 2 hours each)


Neko launched in Q1 of 2022 as the community token on NEAR Protocol, filling a key role in the ecosystem. Neko unites the NEAR ecosystem under a shared mission to educate, onboard and inspire which the entire community has rallied behind! NEKO comes in as the #3 most held NEP-141 token in the NEAR ecosystem with over 22.5K unique holders, proving we have strong buy-in from the NEAR community as a whole!

Neko powers the creator economy on NEAR. Neko has onboarded crypto content creators into the NEAR ecosystem to make educational content. So far we have created hundreds of TikToks, YouTube videos and Instagram Reels that have amassed hundreds of thousands of views.

morning show stats


Neko content creators have fostered a dynamic and fun learning environment on the NEKO Tiktok account via informational, instructional, and trending short-form content. Noah and Soos have extensive experience in content creation and have been fine tuning their presentation and hosting abilities along with the other Neko content creators.

Recently, we launched the “Neko Morning Show,” a TikTok live stream held every Tuesday & Thursday. The show focuses on covering the basics of Web3 as well as NEAR education and ecosystem updates. The NEAR community is rewarded for attending the Neko Morning Show via our robust Neko Learn2Earn Program. We aim to provide in-depth explanations and breakdowns of key Web3 concepts to educate new and experienced crypto users. Every show brings new eyes to the NEAR ecosystem, resulting in dozens of new NEAR wallet sign-ups during the streams.

The Neko Morning Show devotes a large portion of time to spotlighting other projects from the NEAR ecosystem and occasionally features special guests from the NEAR community. The Neko Morning Show has generated massive levels of engagement and provides an effective means to reach an untapped audience.

Consistent live streams are an extremely effective way to build a sticky audience while expanding the reach of both Neko and NEAR to potential users in the Web3 community. However, this medium is currently underutilized. The Neko Morning Show will give the NEAR ecosystem representation on the top live streaming platforms.

Project Description:

The Neko Morning Show is an educational livestream that highlights NEAR related updates and news. It also acts as a project spotlight to support the developing landscape of Web3 projects on NEAR. Important news and topics are covered, with the hosts taking questions from the audience and conducting AMAs with special guests. We also hold regular gaming focused shows with Boneyard; a NEAR Gaming focused DAO, to highlight crypto gaming developments on NEAR and showcase exciting new projects.

Hosted by Noah and Sohib, the show will act to answer questions, provide clarity, and attract new users to the NEAR ecosystem while also keeping ecosystem veterans up to date with news, updates and rollouts. While initially exclusive to TikTok, the Neko Morning show will scale to multiple streaming platforms simultaneously to boost exposure and bypass limitations imposed by streaming on a single social media platform.

The Neko Morning Show live stream currently runs every Tuesday @ 10AM UTC and Thursday @ 11AM UTC via the Neko TikTok account. With support from the Marketing DAO, we can scale these efforts massively, enabling simultaneous streams on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Kick. The livestreams run for approximately 2 hours.


The Neko Morning Show launched in February 2023. Since then we’ve hosted 11 livestreams with an average attendance of 672 people per stream. From March 13th–17th we held a “Blitz Week” for the Neko Morning Show where we streamed on TikTok everyday for a week. This event helped the Neko Morning Show establish a consistent following as well as record attendance of 1597 people during the March 15th stream. The majority of attendees are brand new to the NEAR ecosystem. We have onboarded dozens of new users into NEAR while live on stream, including helping new users with wallet setup/funding and issuing a NEKO token reward to welcome them to NEAR.

We anticipate robust viewer growth once the Morning Show is available on multiple social media platforms powered by higher quality streaming equipment.

Requested Funds:

We are requesting funding for equipment costs associated with expanded streaming to multiple platforms simultaneously, improved streaming quality and compensation for Noah and Sohib to host 8 QTY Neko Morning Show live streams over 1 month (Tuesdays @ 10am UTC & Thursdays @11am UTC).

Note this proposal includes equipment costs for initial streaming setup requirements on multiple platforms and improved quality.

Content > LIVE’s/Video LiveStreams > Educational = $2500.

8 QTY Neko Morning Show live streams per month at a total cost of $2500

See below breakdown of costs including two hosts.

Our current livestream setup is extremely basic with the livestream being streamed via smartphones. We have created a budget for the following items which will allow us to increase the quality of our show and stream to additional platforms simultaneously:

  • Cameras and Lenses

Model : Sony 5100
Price: $600
Ultra wide Lens:
Price: $120

  • Green Screen/Lighting

Estimated cost: $200

  • Premium Streaming Service subscriptions

$50 / month

  • Microphones

Model: Rode Complete Studio Kit with the NT1 and Ai

Price: $420

  • Computer Components

Estimated Price: $700

  • NEAR Merch for on-brand streaming

Estimated Price: $100

  • Host compensation

Estimated Price: $300

Success Measurements:

Success will be measured by viewer growth and retention across all platforms for the livestream. Given the live and inclusive format of the show, metrics such as likes, views, average viewer time and follower growth is also important. Additionally, these metrics will allow us to improve our shows outreach and retention over time.

Wallet: nekotoken.near

Owner: Neko Content Creation Team/Neko Treasury


Hosts: Nonothenono, Soos

Social Links:

x.com 272 followers

nonothenono - Media Kit | Beacons 13.8k followers

Nono (Noah Major) - Host

Noah has a background in exercise physiology and personal training and has been in the fitness industry since 2018. Noah made a lateral move to crypto and eventually Web3 once the pandemic reshaped his thinking and began documenting his Web3 journey on tiktok. He has been making content for Neko since July 2022, and has been creating his own educational content on tiktok since July of 2020.

Noah has taken his passion for customer service and incredible user experience that he got from personal training and utilized it for great onboarding experiences into Web3. He is excited about fostering a more dynamic environment as an on-ramp for more users to enter the Web3 space.

Noah is currently the PR Manager/Social Media Manager for Neko and JumpDefi, co-host of the Neko Morning Show and Neko content creator.

Soos ( Sohib mendoza mihyar) - Host

Soos has a background in aviation as a pilot in real life put his pilot career on hold as he found a new passion in web3 and NEAR protocol. Deeply passionate about web3 and NEAR, Soos loves to share his knowledge and insights through writing threads, making videos, and creating educational content to help new users.

Soos is the Learn2Earn Manager for Neko, co-host of the Neko Morning Show and Neko content creator.


Another proposal I can get behind. I completely support this one especially as I am also a NEKO core team member and see all the hard work Soos and Nono put into this. They have been killing it with the metrics to back it up.

With this funding I’m sure they will continue to put Near on the map with their live streams. I’m amazed seeing how far they’ve come especially Soos. I would love to see what they’ve planned for the future! Near is definitely now frens!


An absolute honor to be a part of this team. Can’t wait to carve out some more digital real estate for the NEAR Ecosystem on all platforms. Thank you in advance for your support!


I have been in the TikTok live from time to time.
Same with Billy, I am also part of Neko and JUMP core team. I have see and in contact directly with every Soos activity since we have to do things side by side.

He work consistently and no excuse to delay a job.


Hello! do you have any plans to launch your token on Aurora?


Aurora is definitely on the timeline. We have been busy working on a few big announcements first, but are currently looking into this as well.


NEKO morning live show have been educational to the Near Ecosystem, I have learned a lot from this show and recommend everyone who love the Near Ecosystem to follow suit cause this guy’s are​:fire::fire:


when i started i didn’t know much about near protocol or near blockchain or web3, but i started my journey with neko community, i watched the vidoes soos made and watched lives on tiktok and i have learend a lot,I started to make my own videos, and now i am a NEKO ambasador all this thanks to NEKOs content creators. i am 100% sure that NEKO is going to onborad tusands of tusands new and eager to learn on web3 and educat them when they onborad! that is why i am voting for this project and community!!!


Thanks for your proposal,

Happy to support, noting that:

  • NEKO team members have been very active across the NEAR ecosystem in several capacities
  • NEKO as a project has been operating successfully for a while now and been able to grow a community and brand
  • There’s been consistent content creation, particularly around education
  • The price point seems very reasonable
  • As always, I would just encourage the team to stay on top of the latest. Ensure we get wide coverage to the NEAR Strategic Goals - BOS, partnerships and integrations, opportunities for people to take action, etc.

Keep up the good work,



Hi @NEKO – thanks for the clear, well-supported proposal. I am happy to support this. Here is my reasoning:

  • You have established your project, built an audience and are able to come to us and request funding for a project that shows traction, engagement and product-market fit.
  • I typically don’t support funding for equipment because it a slippery slope and difficult to tie that investment to metrics, but in this case I think it makes sense based on the traction you have already demonstrated. I am willing to back that in order to see if upgrading your equipment can lead to even better reach and results.
  • The NEKO token is intrinsically tied to the idea of community, and that, in my opinion, makes it a great fit for Community Fund funding.
  • You are not only promoting your project and initiative, but using funding to showcase other projects and people from the ecosystem, so there is benefit that goes well beyond your show alone.
  • You have significant support from the community demonstrated on the forum by individuals who have been in the ecosystem and are vouching for your work.

Please be sure to report back to us if this is approved (you need the support of one more council member) and provide clear metrics outlining progress, growth and success in accordance with the guidelines we have from the NEAR Foundation. Thanks!

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Hi @NEKO i have reviewed your proposal and noted comments from fellow council. Happy to move to Approved

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Thank you to everyone who supported the proposal! We have already filled out and sent the Marketing DAO application form, and I have just created the the Astro DAO poll! Please let us know if there is any additional information or action items you require from us!

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@cryptocredit , We have filled the marketing dao proposal form but haven’t received an email since the astro DAO poll was approved. Is there anything I still need to do on my end to receive the funding? Thank you!

@Dacha Is there any thing left for us to do to receive funding? The poll was approved and Application filled out already but we have not received any emails or follow up!