[APPROVED] Near Ukraine Guild | BOS tools and education in September

Hi community and @marketingdao-council :wave:

I’m happy to share with you what we’ve prepared for this month. But before we go, a few words about us.

Near Ukraine Guild - forum presentation :ukraine:

About us :raised_hands:

Fast-growing guild based in Ukraine, aimed at providing high-quality educational content and assistance to grow a strong community of developers/entrepreneurs/enthusiasts within the Near Protocol ecosystem

Previous proposals :scroll:

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

Socials :v:

Contributions :man_technologist:

Proposal :bookmark_tabs:

According to the Marketing DAO targets, we’re focused on the following KPIs:

  • Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions (On-chain onboarding, On-chain engagement, On-chain participation in ecosystem dApps)
  • Increasing numbers of Tools and dApps on BOS
  • Increasing the number of people educated about NDC governance, BOS, and active projects in the ecosystem

Value of Proposal :top:

Value Problem Solution Expected deliverable USDC
Mystery Box management BOS widget As per the previous proposal, we continue diligently building Mystery Box Smart Contract to distribute contest rewards randomly as well as to encourage people to be active in the ecosystem. Even though the MVP development of the Smart Contract and BOS widget has been postponed due to preparation for the NDC elections, the project is approaching the final stage and will be used to reward participants from Zealy activities soon. Although the source code will be publicly accessible, it can be particularly challenging for those who want to deploy and configure the contract on their own. This is because setting up requires a comprehensive understanding of which functions to call, in what order, etc. This could cause a serious problem for some users who don’t have the necessary skills or knowledge to perform these tasks successfully. Develop the BOS widget to provide an extremely simple and convenient UI for deploying and setting up Mystery Box contracts with ease. Deployed BOS widget 1200
Zealy rewards - The funds will serve as rewards for the quests 2 sprints 700
Zealy Quests - Create/manage going quests and review user submissions 2 sprints 600
Educational Media Marketing - Encourage people through series of educational and marketing publications on Social Media platforms 2-3 daily tweets + 3-5 NearSocial publications 600

Total :moneybag:

3.100 USDC

Wallet :credit_card:


If you have any questions, I would be delighted to answer them
Have a good day :raised_hands:


Hi @denbite thanks for the proposal – Noting your past contributions to the community. We’ve reviewed this proposal and would like to request that you revise this to create ONE widget, report on KPIs/engagement and then we can determine approval for future funding.



Hi @so608, thanks for your response
Do you suggest reducing the number of widgets to one for this month instead of three, correct?


How about adding a contest where people will create the components on #bos for the rewards.
You people are organizing zelay as well so you add it as a quest for more points.


Thank you for your proposal and the outstanding efforts of your community.

Please can i see your last month reports.


Yes and make it more reusable instead of many components or widgets with no use case


Hi @Bakaka
thanks for your response
could you please help me understand what do you consider widgets with use case?


here are our latest reports


love your idea, the same came to our minds around a month ago
and we also considered adding , but what we haven’t figured out yet is criterias for evaluating the quality of widgets
rely on amount of widgets creates isn’t the solution

so if you have a deeper vision of this, DM me in Telegram @denbite, I’d be delighted to discuss


I’m talking about something that your community can reuse. I noticed it in your line items, there is one with no use case other than forking and reporting like others do in the name of building a widget.

I don’t have issues with your community at all.


I think, letting the participants to build a widget from scratch or your community may select few existing ones and asking the quizzes participants to add some features to it will make more sense .


Yes – I think if we can focus on one, evaluate and see report, then we can consider additional widgets for the future. If you can revise to that, happy to support.


seems promising
lets see what happens in the future


Thanks @so608 for your support

Let’s start the ball rolling with the 2nd step, we reduced the budget to 3.100USDC
I’ve updated the proposal to include only one widget for development
Thank you again


Hi @denbite – Thanks for updating and responses to feedback. You have received majority council support for this proposal. Moving to approved.

Next steps:

Your application was approved by Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO at NDC. The approved proposal will be included in the next MDAO budget request to NDC trust. The trust needs to authorize it first and then transfer funds to Marketing DAO treasury: the expected payment date is the last week of September.

So, during this time, please do the following:

  1. Fill out the form to pass KYC

  2. Wait for future instruction from Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO and an invitation to create a transfer on Astro DAO.

  3. Please join NDC Marketing HUB to discuss this and future projects.

  4. Refer to the Marketing DAO Funding Guide as needed.


approval will definitely boost the community and support

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