[Approved] Near Ukraine Guild | Activities in November

Hi community and @marketingdao-council :wave:

I’m happy to share with you what we’ve prepared for this month. But before we go, a few words about us.

Near Ukraine Guild - forum presentation :ukraine:

About us :raised_hands:

Fast-growing guild based in Ukraine, aimed at providing high-quality educational content and assistance to grow a strong community of developers/entrepreneurs/enthusiasts within the Near Protocol ecosystem

Previous proposals :scroll:

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

Socials :v:

Contributions :man_technologist:

Proposal :bookmark_tabs:

According to the Marketing DAO targets, we’re focused on the following KPIs:

  • Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions (On-chain onboarding, On-chain engagement, On-chain participation in ecosystem dApps)
  • Increasing the number of people educated about NDC governance, BOS, and active projects in the ecosystem

Value of Proposal :top:

Value Problem Solution Expected deliverable USDC
Zealy rewards - The funds will serve as rewards for the quests 2 sprints 2x400
Zealy Quests - Create/manage going quests and review user submissions 2 sprints 800
Educational Media Marketing Twitter & NearSocial Encourage people through a series of educational and marketing publications on Social Media platforms 2-3 daily tweets & 3-5 weekly NearSocial posts 800

Total :moneybag:

2.400 USDC

Wallet :credit_card:


If you have any questions, I would be delighted to answer them
Have a good day :raised_hands:


Hi @denbite thanks for your proposal. I note previous work sucessfully completed and am happy to support.


Hi @denbite thanks for the proposal. Similar to @cryptocredit I am noting that you have reported on past work and completed what you outlined in your previous funding request.

I am curious about the timelines for the Zealy quests. How long does each sprint run and when do you intend to implement the sprints proposed here?


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Thank you for your proposal.

Your community is one of the most active in Near Social, and I am following all your social activities. Thank you for your contribution.

Quick one, what is the current stage of your mystery box project? and I saw that for almost more than 3 month you have been using the Zealy platform. Why do you stick to it? if it is something that we will encourage other communities to utilize!


Each sprint lasts for two weeks
The first one started on 31 October, it will end in a few hours

It’s going great, rewards for the current Zealy sprint are going to be distributed with Mystery Boxes
Zealy is an excellent platform enabling us to work with the community consistently and effectively, all while having fun and earning rewards. Probably, other communities could also check it out.

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Thank you for your clarifications. I am excited to see how the mystery box can help bring more on-chain activities and make us our own platform for rewarding.

Happy to support

Thanks @denbite for the answers - happy to support for another month.

Dear Marketing (Eco) DAO contributor, your application was approved by Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO. The approved proposal included in November’s request to NDC Trust.

Please advise that during this transition period (NDC v0-v1), the following applications’ approval procedure:

Marketing (Eco) DAO November’s funding procedure:

:green_circle: 1. November 9-15th time for proposals from the Community;
:green_circle: 2. By November 15th, reviewing by MDAO councils, approval on governance forum, and creation post-request to NDC (HOM, CoA, NDC trust);
:yellow_circle: 3. November 15th-20st reviewing by HOM members and voting on chain;
:red_circle: 4. November 20th, in case of successful approval by HOM, HOM will pass the request to CoA to vote on-chain;
:red_circle: 5. November 20nd-26th – reviewing and voting by CoA;
:red_circle: 6. Once the CoA gives its approval, the Trustees will carry out the transaction, provided that the expenses align with the Trust’s objectives;
:red_circle: 7. KYC can be required for new applicants.

Disclaimer: some timelines can be changed due to the transition V0-V1 period.

So, during this time, please

VOTE :rocket:! To unlock funding for Community.

Support new Grassroots DAOs


  1. Fill out the form to pass KYC https://airtable.com/shrAnyWQYcy6zZwa6 (if not yet)
  2. Wait for future instruction from Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO and an invitation to create a transfer on Astro DAO.
  3. Please join NDC Marketing HUB Telegram: Contact @ndc_marketing
  4. Please get in touch with me on telegram @kmotiv 24/7 if you have any questions.

Hi @denbite could you share a link to your Report for November please. Thanks

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