[Closed] Near Ukraine Guild | Activities in October

Hi community and @marketingdao-council :wave:

I’m happy to share with you what we’ve prepared for this month. But before we go, a few words about us.

Near Ukraine Guild - forum presentation :ukraine:

About us :raised_hands:

Fast-growing guild based in Ukraine, aimed at providing high-quality educational content and assistance to grow a strong community of developers/entrepreneurs/enthusiasts within the Near Protocol ecosystem

Previous proposals :scroll:

Team :busts_in_silhouette:

Socials :v:

Contributions :man_technologist:

Proposal :bookmark_tabs:

According to the Marketing DAO targets, we’re focused on the following KPIs:

  • Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions (On-chain onboarding, On-chain engagement, On-chain participation in ecosystem dApps)
  • Increasing the number of people educated about NDC governance, BOS, and active projects in the ecosystem

Value of Proposal :top:

Value Problem Solution Expected deliverable USDC
Zealy rewards - The funds will serve as rewards for the quests 2 sprints 2x400
Zealy Quests - Create/manage going quests and review user submissions 2 sprints 2x350
Educational Media Marketing - Encourage people through a series of educational and marketing publications on Social Media platforms 2-3 daily tweets & 3-5 NearSocial publications 600

Total :moneybag:

2.100 USDC

Wallet :credit_card:


If you have any questions, I would be delighted to answer them
Have a good day :raised_hands:

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Thank you for your proposal

Near Ukraine is one of the most active community that provides great contributions from ecosystem OGs and contributors.

I particularly loved your threads, they were quite insightful and educative.

Quick question:

In your previous proposal, there’s a item to build a mystery box management system widget on BOS, which we approved 1200$ for it.

September approved proposal

But unfortunately, there’s no report about the allocation and explanation here September Report

And only 400$ out of 700$ is rewarded to community in your reports too on zeely quests.

Please could you clarify.

Finally, how does your proposal help us to achieve our October KPIs. Read more here http://gov.near.org/t/marketing-eco-dao-octobers-funding-round/36635?u=bakaka

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Thanks for the proposal @denbite – in reviewing this, I would like to hear your reply to the questions from MarketingDAO advisor @Bakaka above before coming to a decision. We do need to see a report that gives a clear update on previous funding and accomplishments before considering the next allocation. Thank you!

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Hi @Bakaka, thank you for your response and for loving our threads - kudos to @Ihor for writing them

I want to give more details about your questions:

  1. Work on the Mystery Box management system widget hasn’t started yet, so we didn’t mention any progress in the report. As the report says, we had to postpone the development of Mystery Boxes due to elections. And additionally, we worked with @Tolmindev to have the best UI/UX possible. All that took more time than planned, but since the goal was to build a helpful widget, I think it’s okay.
    The good news is that we finally managed to build Mystery Boxes, and it’s now being actively tested by our team. I think the next Zealy quest participants are gonna be rewarded from Mystery Boxes.
    And in a few days, we plan to start working on the Mystery Box management system widget.

  2. The amount of rewards for Zealy quests is calculated based on the number of active participants (more people, more rewards). And last month, there weren’t a lot of members doing quests. Eventually, it’s gonna be used in further activities like airdrops, contests, quizzes, etc. The goal is pretty clear - engage the community.

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@so608 thanks for reviewing the proposal, I’ve added more details about previous contributions above

I see the proposal was marked as Closed, but is there any chance we could get funded this month? Considering that it’s basically a small proposal to keep our audience engaged with quests and educated on platforms like NearSocial and Twitter

Thank you for your response.

It is already late; you may resubmit next month, That is why we are advising to attend to questions asap