Hi everyone!
We jump to September with the new collaboration opportunity with NEARverse Portal Guild.
The NEARVerse portal is an ecosystem-wide initiative to create, curate, and maintain a portal of information (how-to, faq, analytics, visual aids) for visitors and engaged NEARVerse users. It is a landing pad for the different zones throughout the NEARVerse that is jointly managed by the NEAR Core team, Guilds, DAO’s, Projects, and individual contributors.
How-To Contribute
The NEARVerse portal crew is in need of experienced writers, editors, curators, and graphic artists to create and gather content from throughout the NEARVerse. Many great information sources already exist and the first mission is to bring them all home.
After initial discussion and review, Gitbook was decided on as an interim platform (until potentially a NEAR native solution is built) to host the Portal (Wiki) and there are few ways to contribute.
If you are a new contributor the best place to start is to reach out to your Guild or DAO to see if they have a submission process in place otherwise you can reach out on Telegram and find a coordinator for your contribution area.
Types of Submission
Coordinator Submission
The NEARVerse portal crew has coordinators for specific sections or personas you can find them on Telegram and reach out to find the submission process. It’s best to have your resource in a sharable folder or document to make review and inclusion easier.
If you’re familiar with Github and markdown you can contribute content to the portal by submitting PR’s to the repo for review: GitHub - near/wiki: NEAR Wiki
If you’re more comfortable with WYSIWYG, then a Gitbook.com account may be the way.
Licensing implications apply. This level of access is reserved for established contributors
Contributors can be rewarded directly from the NEARVerse Portal DAO or the Guilds / DAO’s where they have a membership. Please coordinate with your representative Guild or DAO on how to claim rewards. Here are the initial rewards for the Wiki DAO (subject to change).
Note: All contributions must be reviewed and approved before reward distribution. Unless you are an established contributor.
Writing - $75 (300+ words)
A unique piece of content from a set of identified topics.
Editing - $40 NEAR
Edit a unique piece of content.
Translation - $40 NEAR
Translate a unique piece of content from an identified set of topics.
Curating - $10 NEAR
Locate and write a brief description (200 words or less) of a NEARVerse resource.
Infographic - $25 NEAR
Strategically designed visual content.
Coordinator - $275 NEAR (monthly)
Coordinate a section or persona of the portal. Gather content, manage deadlines, coordinate resources, and update the Github project.
FAQ’s - $5 NEAR per FAQ
Write an FAQ for a set of documented frequently asked questions.
If you would like to be part of the portal crew, reach out to your existing Guild/DAO leader to find out how to engage or visit us on Telegram: Telegram: Join Group Chat
The more details you can get on AMA today
Contact me or @Sofia_Alum if you have any questions about project or open discord to discuss them.