Project Name: VN Artists DAO
Project Status: [in progress]
Project members:
Balance: Current account balance: $708 (@4"10 PM GMT+7 Oct 24, 2022)
Astrodao: vn-artists-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Previous proposal: [APPROVED] VN Artists Dao – SEPTEMBER 2022 Funding Request (Overview)
1/ [Proposal] Artists Incentivize Program
Original post: [Proposal] Artists Incentivize Program
With a focus on actively bringing young artists’ works closer to the public, as well as providing additional assistance for them to have the chance to create and express themselves.
We organized this activity to help 10 artists to open their own Store on Mintbase, adding the store to their professional profile & encouraging them to continue NFT-lize their work on NEAR. We carefully considered the proposals and helped each artist to provide the ideal circumstances for them to build their mintbase store.
Not only helping young artists build stores, we also accompany them in future store building plans, aiming to build an increasingly strong and diverse NEAR community, co-contributing and sharing values.
Open call:
Actual time frame:
- Open call: 15 - 30 Sep, 2022
- Onboarding: 30 Sep - 20 Oct, 2022
Metric reflection:
- 10 new stores created
- Each store contained at least 5 artworks from the owner
- 10 artists’ professional profile added Mintbase link
Onboarded Artists & Store Showcase:
Astro links:
2/ [Proposal] Educational material: VN Artists DAO Booklet
Original post:
With the aim to reduce the amount of funds allocated for bounty/competition, we want to focus on projects that create reusable materials to continue onboarding new members in a more sustainable way. We published to our website, 20 printed booklets used along our offline activities. During VAD’s offline activities, booklets were sent to more than 20 participants and made a good impression and evaluation.
We think that investing in booklets will provide VAD, specifically, and the NEAR environment, generally, a more professional and impressive image.
Metric reflection:
The final version of the booklet is finished and published.
Raw file published & downloadable on Website:
Prototype printed & distributed at offline workshop:
3/ [Proposal] VAD’s engagement bounty
Original post:
Every week, VAD presents several themes for artists to get inspiration from using their own emotions and materials, such as Home, m, and Nature. The challenge is highly attractive to artists from many countries, DAO/guild takes part, showcasing the many personas of each artist.
We have achieved impressive results: 60 works, Telegram group members increased by more than 40 members,…
The event is highly beneficial and helps in promoting the NEAR community and VAD to more young people.
Actual activities:
From $400 proposed, $200 used to conduct for 2 weeks, from 19 Sep to 2 Oct, 2022, the remaining $200 will be reserve in treasury for bounties & competition throught out Oct (not in weekly format since we want to keep activating the community when community funding is postponed)
Metric reflection:
- Total 60 artworks & posts on IG
- 40 organic followers
Winners rewards:
4/ [HCM] Minting your first NFT through tote bag drawing
Original post: [Proposal] Minting your first NFT through tote bag drawing
The workshop was successfully held with more than 20 people attending and brought a new experience and a positive atmosphere. Participants were very excited about this activity because they were able to create a personal product and can use it every day.
Participants have been encouraged to directly mint their works on VAD’s Mintbase store after the workshop. The event is highly beneficial and helps in promoting the NEAR community and VAD to more young people.
Duration: 3-hour workshop
- Publication of the event & register: 15-24 Sep 2022
- Event day: 14h00, Sunday 25th Sep 2022
- Venue: NEO - 393/7 Hai Bà Trưng, District 3, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.
Open call post:
Metric reflection:
- 100% invitee attended with full occupation of 20 people
- 16 new wallets have been created.
- Strong impression & exposure of VAD’s image to local community
- Over 20 new tote bag drawing NFT minted on Mintbase store (some created more than 1 bags)
Some images of the workshop:
5/ [Proposal] Local swag store - Attempt for DAO’s business model toward sustainability - Part 2
Original Post: [Proposal] Local swag store - Attempt for DAO's business model toward sustainability
In the attempt to generate our own business model. VN Artists DAO opened a NEAR local swag store for events in the Vietnam and Asia area.
Following the success of part 1 in August (Collected 6/10 swags). We continue to receive designs for the remaining 4/10 products. We received several excellent submissions that are not only NEAR-specific but also incredibly imaginative and unique. On the swags store goods, only the top items will be chosen and printed.
The collection of 10 products has been completed and is ready for the next steps in the plan to build a Swag store.
Actual time frame:
- Open Call: 5 - 27 September, 2022
- Result announcement: 30 September, 2022
Open call post:
Metric reflection:
- Collected the remaining 4/10 items qualified designing to be made as prototype.
Voting sheet:
Winner rewards:
End of project report
- A month of expansion in terms of out reaching & social growth
- 10 new artists opened their own professional store under our program
- A new booklet released and became our onboarding portal both online & offline
- Successfully called for reward sponsored from local partner when funding was postponed ([Online] Cuộc Thi Vẽ Minh Họa 2022 Với Chủ Đề "Beautiful Memory" (Miễn Phí Tham Dự) - YBOX)
We tried to seek for help from local partners & other sources of funds to help the DAO continue its activities. Since we managed to keep VAD going with some help and created online activities for members, it’s still a quiet month. This is a learning curve and a chance for the DAO councils to show their empathy toward building this community, spending time to reflect & look for ways to engage with members.
Next Steps:
- Active communicate to fund our project from different sources
- Conduct small bounties for members in Oct and November
- Preparing yearly plan for 2023