[REPORT] REGGAEDAO DAO Monthly report APRIL 2022

April Report for Reggaedao

Our intrudoction if you need to know

We wish to deeply and sincerely appreciate the ruling council of Near Ecosystem in their various departments for assisting us set up this DAO and for further financing it for the first set of activities.

The DAO was established in March and commenced with the creation of REGGAEDAO MIXTAPE. The creation of this musical compilation took us two whole months; March and April and this was largely because we had organizational issues which were promptly and effectively solved by the elders in ecosystem.

Our funds finally came and we were able to pay those that participated in the reggaedao mixtape.
8 producers and 9 vocalists.

Closeup things - Albion dub
Over to you - mubzy
Soni chill - regaedao 1
Big M - spiritually fit
Sk the Alternator- No Worries
Wizzow - No more wars
Big M - Yeah
Xzet Sicknal - Regaedao
Beat by Omata - War
Wizzow- ReggaeDao

No more war - The tune
Reggaedao - Jahzone
Spiritually Fit - Big M
No Worries - Chula Boy
War - Gabriel
Over you - Scarman Baba
Close up things - Hepzibah
Yeah - Lightbulb
Soni chill - Dj Ankaara

So far so good, only 5 vocalists have completed their jobs and submitted. Since the event can’t run on forever, we have decided to wrap with up with the submitted vocals.

7 producers and the 5vocalists that submitted have been paid and all scores settled.

The songs completed and has been minted on the NXM open store,

as we are set for the May’s activities. We are going to set up a release date, Thanks

this 5near was use to create a DAO on AstroDAO

https://www.mintbase.io/thing/9UPJzBA8x0guujXZ wewLBvOxyuDedGo2tTz2TJ71nkSLY:opennxm.mintbase1.near


Big Up ReggaeDao! :partying_face: yeeeee

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Thanks brethren :heart: we are going to be slow but steady

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As Creatives Moderators we highly recommend the use of Astrodao for any payouts being made by the DAO in order to encourage clearer communication and a more decentralized approach.


Ok thanks for that @ted.iv the first payout was without a DAO on AstroDAO, we created a DAO on AstroDAO after receiving the payout and pay the participants, promise to do just as you say , thanks for your support