March 2022 Monthly Report - Incubadora DAO
Project Name: Incubadora DAO
Project Status: [ in progress ]
Project Accounting: current account balance 3.596 USD*
incubadora.sputnik-dao.near/ jmm.near
- Some marketing payouts pending like 300 USD related to researcher writing fee
Updated Project Timeline:
- This report is related to the March 2022 Social Media Management + Marketing & Communication budget for Incubadora DAO and reflects the achievements and learnings observed in the last 30 days
- “Poéticas Digitais” was the 4th Seminar held by Incubadoras’s educational project, an NFT Workshop with the artist Eduardo Politzer & the art colective Coletivo Amarelo. The seminar was a real success, we had more than 80 subscribers with several subscriptions from Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa. Once again, coordinated communication activities have proven to be very efficient in attracting more audiences to our initiatives
NFT Seminar preview
- We created two engagement bounties to promote our channels and activities. The goal here was not only to increase the number of followers in our social media channels but also to promote interactions with the tools available in the NEAR ecosystem. The first bounty aimed to reward community members to experiment the new 3XR tool, the CreateThing, and generated around 50 interactions in the NEAR Forum topic. The second one, rewarded community members to publicize our monthly seminar on social media, this topic had almost 100 views on NEAR Forum
Custom gallery created by @bagadefente preview
The promotional tools were crucial in building up engagement on our social media channels and website. The more specialized our targetting strategy is, the more growth we observe. The most accessed page on our website was the Artist Stipend Program Page, with more than 1k views and straight links to the NEAR ecossystem. This month our stipend had 26 applicants, the most successful edition ever
On Instagram, we developed the following promotions: 2 promos to increase the visibility of our monthly seminar and Stipend Program, generating 563 clicks in our webpage; 2 promos to increase the visibility of our Mintbase Store, generating 110 clicks in the store; 1 promo to increase the visibility of our IG account, generating 294 visits in our page
On Facebook, we developed 2 promos to increase the visibility of our initiatives and page, generating 172 new followers and 848 engagements with our content
On YouTube, we promoted a video to increase the visibility of our content and channel, generating 819 new visualizations in our content
The next researcher to produce a specialized text to our website is Maia Potira and her essay is on Its way
The video tutorials made in partnership with CUDO and featured both on our YouTube and website pages have, once again, proven to be crucial in supporting our activities and promoting engagement with enthusiasts who are not familiar with the NEAR ecosystem. This month we were able to create 4 videos teaching how to apply for our stipends, how to create a custom gallery on the 3XR, how to create an NFT on Mintbse and a refreshed version of our tutorial on how to create your NEAR wallet. The content is in Portuguese with English subtitles and has been useful for different people inside and outside our community
- Goal: two to three posts per week on Instagram + several stories, going from 1314 to 1570 followers and growing around 20%. This goal was totally achieved and Incubaddora’s IG has surpassed the 1.5k follower benchmark. In the last 30 days, we reached 1571 followers, growing around 20%. Here are some more details:
Instagram Insights Detail
- Goal: two to three posts per week on Facebook + several stories, going from 119 to 160 followers and growing around 35%. This goal was totally achieved and we now have 307 followers on our page, growing around 150%. Here are some more details:
Facebook Insights Detail
- Goal: two to five tweets per week on Twitter + 1 retweet per day, going from 723 to 795 followers and growing around 10%. This goal was totally achieved and we now have 817 followers, a growth of 13%. Here are more details:
Twitter Insights Detail
Goal: grow the number of members on our Telegram Group Chat, going from 110 to 125 members and growing around 15%. This goal was totally achieved and now we have 128 members in our group. This channel was crucial to support the participants in our seminar and stipend program
Goal: Feed Youtube channel with three or more videos per month, reaching 65 subscribers + 300 views in our content. This goal totally achieved and we now have 79 subscribers and our content was watched 1,3k times. The promotion created via Google Ads here played a key role. Here are some more details:
YouTube Results preview
- Goal: build up the daily traffic of our website by 10%, going from 717 to 785 visits per month. This goal was fully achieved. We reached 1,4k visits in march. For the first time, 3 Portuguese speaking countries from Africa are listed among the top
Website detail 1
Website detail 2
Engagement bounties must provide more than engagement on social media, It needs to promote valuable participation in our ecosystem tools and projects
Promotional tools were crucial for growing faster on IG, Facebook and Youtube
Instagram and Twitter are the two driving forces of our social media engagement. Through them, we are able to expand the visibility of our different channels, such as the website, Telegram, NEAR forum and Mintbase Store. Also YouTube takes advantage of them. With that said, it makes sense to focus social media management efforts on them
The Marketing DAO support allows us to grow and be recognized by our activities. The greater the reach of networks, the greater the adhesion of our activities and the greater the impact we make in our community. Our growing visibility in social media made us have the most successful Artist Stipend Open Call so far. We are super excited about April’s new projects and activities
Next Steps:
Organizing our next seminar and communicating the winners of our Artist Stipend Program in order to increase the interactions with the NEAR ecosystem
Reorganizing our marketing strategies in order to function in a more organic and sustainable way
Preparing new projects and creating more educational video content to feature our channels and make Incubadora’s initiatives more attractive to people outside the web 3.0 environment
All are welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.
Website | NEAR Forum | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram | YouTube | Mintbase | Incubadora - Artists
Thank you!