[REPORT] August, September and October 2022 Monthly Report - Incubadora DAO

Project Name: Incubadora DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project Accounting: current account balance 244 N*

incubadora.sputnik-dao.near/ jmm.near

  • Payouts pending from other projects regarding Creatives funding

Updated Project Timeline:


  • The merchandising material that we ordered has arrived and we now have physical products for distribution and promotion of our DAO. This material was financed with funding from Marketing DAO. During Nearcon in Lisbon this year we were able to show and share part of this material with our community.

Image of our totebag

  • In order to support each other and nurture creativity and collaborations within the ecosystem, we helped to organize and participate in the NFT fair NFTrĂłpilis. During this event, which has already had three editions, each DAO bought artworks from the other DAOs through Astro. Participation in the NFT fair is being very interesting to strengthen ties of partnerships with other DAOs and to generate engagement in our Mintbase Store.

NFT Fair posters of second and third editions

  • Poliedro: We developed our zine Poliedro with some works by artists from our community. We make this material available in our online store and over time we will also feed our project page on the website with more information and content about these artists.

Zine cover

Instagram posts about the selected artists

  • During these months, we also opened an open call in a special edition in which we invited artists to have their work transformed into NFTs. In a spin off of our traditional grants program, this time we supported nine artists who applied and presented three images each one that was transformed into NFTs.

Open call poster

  • As part of our educational program we decided to share some new tutorials about us and Near community for our followers on Instagram. This initiative has the goal to help arts and cultural professionals to connect with our activities and understand better what blockchain is and how this can help them. We already have a few tutorial videos on our Youtube channel and website, but this time we tried to reach new audiences on a different social media.

Some of the instagram educational posts

Poster of the seminar

Image of the seminar with Pedro Costa

  • We also presented at another seminar that was promoted by PhilosophersDAO together with us to discuss subjects related to art and philosophy. This conversation was attended by artist Juliana Matsumura and mediator Rosi Morokawa.

Poster and image of this seminar

  • Nearcon took place this September in Lisbon and we were able to make some contacts and share ideas with other people in the Near community.

Nearcon poster and our logo present in another publicity poster during the event

CUBA SHOTS making off

  • In October we also held our first physical workshop. This day we had the opportunity to explain to local artists the possibilities of web3 and talk a little about the Incubadora DAO and Near.


Workshop web3 for artists

Metrics and achievements:


  • Our goal was to grow from 2700 to 3300 followers on IG. This goal was fully achieved and nowadays we have 3356 followers.

  • We created several posts and stories with links to the NEAR ecossystem, worked on growing our connections with the Portuguese-speaking artists and creatives and publicized the initiatives of our partners and community members.

  • Using the Meta Business advertising tool, we boosted some posts in order to increase the visibility of our initiatives and page. Together, these promos generated more than 1200 interactions with our page.



  • Our goal was to achieve 1000 visits to our website per month. During this period we had 2337 views, which does not reach our goals, as we had an average of 779 views per month. Our plan is to think of strategies to increase these values as our website is an important communication channel for our activities.

Webpage traffic preview

Webpage traffic per country


  • Our goal was growing from 1150 to 1240 followers, but this goal was not completely achieved as now we have 1220 followers.

  • Our tweets had 5.7k impressions and our links were clicked at least once a day. Our posts were related to our activities, partnerships, and news from our NEAR community.


  • During this period our Telegram worked as a bridge to connect our artists and partners. Our group also worked as a help center for the newcomers and as a sharing space for our community. The goal for this period was to achieve 240 group members and it was not fully completed as now we have 210 members. As with the other communication channels, we will continue working to get more members for our Telegram.


  • The goal here was to achieve 1k views in our content and we managed to do so. Our tutorials and videos from Cuba Shots are the content with more views.

YouTube insights preview


  • As from August we had a budget available for the next three months, this facilitated the organization of the dissemination and communication of our activities in the long term.

  • Participation in the NFT fair is very interesting to strengthen ties of partnerships with other DAOs and to generate engagement in our Mintbase Store.

  • The educational Instagram posts that we have produced with content about Near and IncubadoraDAO have been very useful not only for our artistic community, but also for others groups that connects with us.

  • Partnerships with groups outside the web 3 have also been interesting to promote our activities.

Next Steps:

  • Invest more in our app development projects.

  • We need to rethink our priority activities in order to focus more on the web3

  • Finding new strategies to create greater engagement on social media

  • Strengthen partnerships created with cultural institutions that have supported us

All are welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.

Website | NEAR Forum | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Telegram | YouTube | Mintbase | Incubadora - Artists

Thank you!