July Updates
We’re gearing up for a season of elections and we see a lot of confusion, collusion, adaptations and strife in the ecosystem.
Creatives DAO has been through its own journey of ups and downs in the past year.
Funding was paused a few months back leaving over 80+ communities stranded.
The resilience, will to make things work and get our community back to life allowed it to rise from ashes to become one of the biggest and most well structured DAO, getting its trust instrument live and being the first ecosystem DAO to get funded by NDC in a span of 3 months.
Now Creatives DAO is gearing up for bigger things.
Eth Milan Title sponsor
There are over 35 people members coming to the event from over 10 nations to showcase their art and represent their community and NEAR at Eth Milan.
As of now, two groups, Curation and Production, are self organising and planning for the event.
It’s beautiful to see how members have completely taken ownership of the event and are shaping the course of the event. My heartfelt gratitude for all the members taking lead on the project.
To join in the main action, join the Eth Milan Brain storm group.
Creatives DAO Planet (Interim, not-so-Creative a name)
Old communities need one space where they can display their art, represent their communities more clearly (more like express the language of their communities) and engage with other communities from CDAO.
New communities need a space where they can learn about what is Creatives DAO, how can they join the movement, how can they grow a community and all the support they can receive, what is Creatives DAO and what are its communities doing?
To Solve this problem we are brainstorming about what solution can we built (or will it a be a cross of solution and service) that will
- Help showcase our existing communities work
- Attract, educate and seamlessly onboard new communities and artists.
The goal is
- Growth of creatives and communities for CDAO
- Seek out external funding mechanisms for diversified funds inflow.
I’m working on a draft and will soon be shared for community brainstorm that will highlight the overall plan.
External Funding
As the size of community grows, so does a councils responsibility to ensure it’s community’s sustainability.
We do not ever want to be in a situation where a few people can dictate whether a community that has been building for over 2 years (Literally deserves an OG of OG community badge) can be put in a situation of not getting funded.
I have been actively seeking ways to diversify incoming funding streams to creatives DAO by Non Near players.
We are seeing our first steps turning into something good which the community shall be updated very soon about.
Funding possibility from cross chain collaborations, government entities like UN or any other artist funding institutions and organisations like CDAO, lies in the alignment of vision, quality if execution and clarity of reporting.
We are trying to get all these right and yes, its a slow process, but when it works, it will make up for the time and energy spent by providing a longer runway and certainty the community needs to build, instead of just being in a limbo of funding being ceased the next month.
All in all, we are trying our best to ensure that the community has multiple streams of funding support to ensure our survival for years to come.
Thank you for reading the extra long precursor to my report.
Here is, what you cam here for, my report!
NF community team for updates from NF and CDAO
Call with Party Hunt, a ticketing app and Keypom team to seek SDK level integration for wallet activations and NFT ticket artwork minting. This will help CDAO reach their wallet activation goals and generate massive onchain transactions under CDAO umbrella.
Horizon Meeting to understand how communities can participate in Horizon.
Metacon UAE partnership meeting to explore synergies.
Call with Defi Working group champions
Call with Pagoda team to explore how Creatives can utilise BOS. More details once they launch a design components and program.
NDC gaming DAO to explore funding opportunities for creative needs
NearBuidl - exploring landing pages creation on BOS for Creative DAO communities.
Call with Eth Milan events team for agreement letter discussions
Call with Eth Milan Curation team
Call with NFT WG to create a CDAO collection as a part of their “Collective” NFT collection. Unfortunately NFT WG wont be producing the project due to some internal problem.
Near Foundation Content moderation discussion. How to make moderation on near better. As Xuan is an excellent product designer, i brainstormed about how we can create a better user experience for Creatives Planet (unofficial)
Call with Regional expansion lead to discuss growth opportunities and current state of affairs.
Call with Bakaka to discuss partnerships with Nigerian cultural exhibitions and how they can help bring in native art community to NEAR.
Hosted Monday weekly community calls and started hosting the experience in NEARHub spaces
Weekly Tuesdays and Wednesdays office hours
Managing various groups. Creatives DAO main telegram chat, Creatives DAO Social media group, Eth Milan brainstorm group, Eth milan curation group, Eth milan production group.
Personal meetings with various ecosystem players for assisting in election campaign and ensuring CDAO is represented and funded as it is one of the most important DAOs of the ecosystem!!
There’s a lot more to do. Coming months are a testing time for all we have built till now and we’d need more community support than ever.
For every person reading, thanks for giving your time to learn about what CDAO is doing and as always, hope you keep building!!!