Ciao, Creatives!

A total of 21 proposals were submitted to the Creatives DAO for the month of April. Out of those, 9 proposals were approved for funding after undergoing a rigorous evaluation process in accordance with the established guidelines and procedures of the Creatives DAO in line with NEAR strategic goals.

The final funding decision for each proposal can be found on the DAO’s transparent score sheet, which also includes elaborate comments and feedback from the DAO moderators. Access the sheet with this link:

[Report] April Proposal Review - Creatives DAO - Google Sheets

For proposals that scored between 6 and a bit lower than 9, as per our standard procedure, you are welcome to schedule a call with the Creatives DAO Open Hours using the provided Calendly link: https://calendly.com/creatives_dao/30min. During this call, we can collaboratively assess areas that may require improvement and discuss potential strategies for enhancement.

We are also excited to connect with other DAOs who are interested in building with Creatives DAO to provide support and improve the submission process.

List of approved proposals:

List of closed proposals:

Next steps for proposals who made the cut:

  1. Please proceed by submitting a poll to Creatives Astro DAO
    The poll should include: Name of DAO, Creatives DAO funding [Month], total request amount in USD, Target wallet

  2. After your poll on Astro is approved, follow the instruction from step 3 in this Community Payout process

In addition, we eagerly anticipate witnessing the successful outcomes of the approved projects and the positive impact they will generate within the ecosystem.

Don’t forget to join the Creatives DAO Telegram as the weekly calls happens there!

All the best,
CD Mods


Congratulations on all the approved projects for the month. Thumbs up to the creative dao moderators for putting in loads of work and effort to make the community grow


Is this the result final?
Or our say does not matter?

In any way, let me pour out my mind and I stand to be corrected :pray:t4:

Because I am confused. Just trying to get some things straight…

Highest we scored from a MOD is “1.5 mark”; when your guideline states that DAO who has 4-5 councils and less than 10 On-chain members on Astro has “2 marks”. I think we scored “2” or more on that; because we have 4 Council Members and more than 10 members on Astro.

Activities are focused on artists’ support:
Highest we scored for a MOD is “1.5”. I think we should click 2 or 3 on that, because 30% of our proposals focus on the work completed by councils (or several members) and the rest is directly creating opportunities for the community and web2 Artistes who we want to onboard into Web3 by participating in our projects.

Internal Interaction with NEAR dapps:
Our projects are going to use 4 main NEAR dApps (Tamago, Mintbase, Paras, NEARhub) not once, but many times during the project. This qualifies us to score 2 in this category. Because your guideline states that: "Have interactions with >3 dApps on NEAR but not every month, some Dapps only being used for one time in the past

  • Proposals focus on educating members to use NEAR tools/apps"
    Rather the highest point we got is “1”

DAO/Community Growth:
This is kind of flexible, but I believe our proposals meet your grade 2 & 3, because we will add more than 50 members to our DAO if you check the proposal well enough, and we have plans of registering Thespians DAO as a Legal Wrapper.

Internal community engagement:
Probably this corresponded with our mark because there is an evidence to prove via the NFT.

When our last proposal was closed, we didn’t bother writing because we know we failed in most of the guidelines. But this time around, I believe we got some of the things right, that is why I have to state these guidelines in relation to our proposal. Unless there is another guideline by the MODs that we are not aware. If not, we are supposed to have up to 10+ marks in the score sheet.

Don’t take this as a challenge, but as a way of practicing what we preach; which is Decentralization. I think Thespians DAO marks should be checked and corrected.

Thank you.

Cc: @creativesdao-council

(Council Member, Thespians DAO)

The Proposal:


Hey, sorry that your proposal didn’t make it through. I know you and your team put a lot of effort to submit this month. Have you seen the comments behind the points given in the google sheet? I hope you’re able to access that, if not, let me know. Pretty much of your questions were already addressed there, so there might be some errors if they are not visible.

If you wish for an appeal process and in-depth clarification, I invite you to sched a call with the mods team using this calendly link: Calendly - Creatives DAO


This is a falsification of the scores.

Look here,


Filipino Artist Guild 6,375|Closed


filipino artist guild - funding proposal for april - 2023 11.25 | Approved

Do you guess why?

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Hello,this is evidence of manipulation and falsification of the scoring system:

  1. Filipino artists :
    Last month 6,375, and this month 11,25, instantly got an extra + 4,875 points for one month because council Solana is the founder, owner, and beneficiary on the DAO.
  1. VN artists got approval because council William is a founder, owner, and beneficiary of the DAO.

  2. NxM festival got approval because two councils, William and Paul continue work with NxM, Dao records.

4.No name fresh DAO [Approved] Indiaverse DAO - Funding Proposal for April 2023 with no history and traction instantly got 9.25 points. Do you know if the proposal was approved? Because RJ Tarun (rjtarun. near) and mod Sahil are friends.

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As expected :rofl:

As of the moment, there are tons of people trying to type their angriest replies to the result.

I would recommend the @creativesdao-council and @Near-Moderator to instantly block dummy accounts that will just spread gossip in this thread.

To the dummies, please note that your opinion doesn’t matter if you will not even use your real account to spread these gossips.

Imagine being that sad trying to say you love Near when you’re just really trying to cover up your f ups with your own projects while filing up your own pockets. Talk about audacity.

This is the first and last reply I’d send on this. If you think you’re so tough behind a dummy account and want to talk feel free to send us a message so we can discuss. Thanks!

PS. WE know who you are. :wink:



Account rooted September 26, 2022 just for the sake of having a voice since you “HOLD” a position that gains salary in the ecosystem currently.


And please, don’t feed the negative emotions of the current projects that got declined, their grievances is to be addressed by the mods, not just some dummy trying to find clout.

I promised just one reply but had to say this, so yeah. Ciao.

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I actually not bothered about DAOs approved, congrats to them.

I’m here to learn and grow.

If I think I need some clarification, and I ask. I’m happy atleast I can open up and learn more.

Once again, like I said congrats to my friends whose proposals have been approved.

But it’s unfortunate, even a call won’t save me :joy:

This is like a verdict without your opinion. You are sentenced to death is that you are sentenced to death, nothing you can say about it :joy:

Thanks till whenever Mods.


I hope your project get approved soon, Roxy! More power to Thespians DAO!

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Thanks alot Fam. I put in alot of work to make us work. A lot to the extent we were acting and partnering even during the funding pause.

I had to even engage in meetings to learn about dApps so I can carry the DAO well enough.

It’s unfortunate our strength wasn’t strong enough :blush:


Glad to see that AfroStarGuild got approved
Thanks to the creatives community.
We promise to deliver as required and make good impact to the near ecosystem.:heart::heart:


You’re in your full right to ask for further clarifications but I’d be extremely careful calling this manipulation and falsification without substantial evidence.

Let’s be respectful towards everyone in the community :pray:


Hi there!

You can check the spreadsheet for further insight on how proposals were evaluated.

Some points to address:

If there’s manipulation, why don’t you think FAG’s proposal should be approved at the beginning from last month? Note that we treat each proposal independently.

2 & 3: We’re no longer the beneficiaries of the DAOs mentioned. Check out the announcement:

Note that: CDAO is the first DAO (and the only for now) in the ecosystem that its councils step down voluntarily from related DAO members and do not receive any other financial benefit other than our moderation work.

This month we welcome 2 new DAOs to the CDAO community: Indiaverse DAO and 1 MIL NFTs. You can easily find out why those DAOs were approved by looking at our comments on transparent sheet. We believe that those DAOs have outstanding proof of work (Redirecting...) (https://1mlnnfts.com/), together with good value proposition that their proposals bring to the ecosystem.

Why don’t you think he did a great job by onboarding a radio pro to the ecosystem? we haven’t seen the report yet, right :wink:


“Note that: CDAO is the first DAO (and the only for now) in the ecosystem that its councils step down voluntarily from related DAO members and do not receive any other financial benefit other than our moderation work”

Really? You need to review each DAO more carefully



Comprehension is critical nowadays. Sometimes information is already in front of you and ready to bite in the face yet you still can’t see it.

This is what happens when you’re just trying to find fault into someone. We know English is not your first language same with us, so we highly recommend reading first before spreading gossip.

Right, Vladislas?

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For your information only Sahil stepped out from all related DAOs

William is a member of NxM which got approval, should step out from the DAO.

Paul is a member of NxM, Dao records which got approval, should step out from the DAOs



Hey, I think you are mistaken being a “member” of a DAO as “council” of a DAO. If you are not yet aware, these 2 are different things. As “members,” we do not have the same impact on DAO governance as the “council” members do.

After our decision to step down from the “council” position, we were demoted to “members” in which we have chosen to remain in the DAO as the latter. In case you have not yet had the opportunity to review the details of our decision to step down, I have compiled a consolidated list for your reference to better understand the situation:

  1. [ANNOUCMENT] Stepping down from the council group - Paul

  2. [Announcement] Stepping down from the council groups - William X

  3. [ANNOUNCEMENT] Stepping down from the council groups - K

  4. Sahil does not have a DAO to step down from, as the DAO has already been disbanded

Based on the level of effort and attention you are dedicating to this matter, it appears that you have the ability to research and verify the DAOs mentioned in the respective announcements - so feel free to revisit the AstroDAO of DAO’s in question

While it may be tempting to overlook the situation, it is important to address any false accusations with accurate information now that transparency is valued.


You came up with a great trick)). You understand that by the right to approve funding, you influence the decisions of the consuls of the DAO in which you are a participant.

@blaze look at this. When any changes? Hope you can do that. You will get our incredible support. We the community, not the old incapable of change Creative DAO councils.