[REPORT] BiWeekly Telegram Report (June 17- July 2)

Hello NEARians,

Hope you’re doing well in the past few weeks.
Sharing here the Telegram Report for June 17 - July 2

Previous BiWeekly Report can be found here

Statistics from NEAR Protocol Telegram Official:

Here’re our top members:

Overview of Statistics from June 1-18:

Total Members 60.3K>>>>>59.7K

Total Posts 467K>>>>>506.2K

Viewing Members 12K>>>>>6.8K

Posting Members 2.8K>>>>>748

Crypto Markets are bearish now and group stats shows a small decline in last 2 weeks, that should be mostly bots leaving the group who joined for Onto Campaign. We’ve got a lot of new and real members in last weeks though.
Huge part behind this was due to recent ONTO Wallet Giveaway and Onto Hold2Earn Campaign which was arranged with help of @HaiVu from Project Ops.

[Stay Tuned for more such initiative]

AMAs and Events Hosted By @ConciergeTeam

Thanks. That’s a wrap up.
Make Sure to follow NEAR everywhere.
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Telegram Channel → Telegram: Contact @nearprotocolnews
Telegram Group → Telegram: Contact @cryptonear
Discord → https://near.chat
Reddit → Reddit - Dive into anything


Good day sir., your report is awesome :clap: I can see my self TG accounts in your list being active member ,but its been less active since i’ve been busy around helping other team. :hugs: But its really great to be in Near Protocol ,:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: They really gave me a chance to used my skills and showcase my talents. Well knowing im in community, im not just really a member., i do really love to give support every Near Protocol Guilds and its not just because i earn it., its like a tumor that hardly to removed it., i can’t resist doing nothing., saying nothing.
We try to make our community grow too in NMD. And its a simple success gives me opportunity to help the others. ,Well i hope the higher people can see that ,that how we value coming here not just sitting around and do nothing.
I alwys pray supports everyone in our community that we stay strong and we stay long in the guild and no one will bring us down just by a simple hard time bear market and different people’s reason.
Thank you and thats all. Happy to support “Near Protocol” :hugs: Long live best community ever.


Thanks for all you do, @ImJami2017 - we hope to see you around more often in our communities. keep up the good work too. :slightly_smiling_face:

This was as expected, it would always be a bumpy road. What’s important is to keep moving forward and hitting those goals :wink: