[REPORT] BeatDAO Discord Beat Competition/Submission

The Beat DAO Discord Beat Competition/Submission improved in entry collection strategy for this month’s edition. These improvements made the Beat competition more easily accessible and convenient for the DAO to manage and also created some assurance of the authenticity of the choice of the winners.

In the previous month, Music producers submitted Beats by providing google drive links to their entries. This month had the music producers submit their entries by uploading the mp3 files of their beat into a dedicated google form with fields that also request other essential information

Also, the pattern employed by the DAO for choosing the winners was more open to the community to influence. The DAO made their 7 favorite picks from the 19 entries and then invited the whole community to a poll to choose their favourite beat of the 7 available for vote, and that is how the winners were chosen according to popular vote.

Maybe, ths fluidity in adopting convenient accessibility to the competition by the DAO or the desire for full accountability and transparency is what made this month’s edition a great success drawing from how much engagement this month’s competition got from the community, who knows?
This month’s edition of the competition got 19 entries, a long shot from last month’s 9 entries

The winners of this month’s edition of the competition are as listed below

First Prize: Sk da Alternator $150NEAR

Second Prize: Dj Lethal Skillz $100NEAR

Third Prize: Sagrado $75NEAR

The Beat DAO looks to grow and expand even more in supporting music producers globally and also get the beats community savvy about web3, crypto and most importantly the NEAR Ecosystem


John X


cool! i am a producer too, i would like to entry the next time!