[CLOSED] Beat DAO Discord Beat Submission/Competition (February, 2021)

The Beats DAO announces its monthly beat competition for February This competition enjoins music producers within and outside the web 3 community to submit soundtrack entries for evaluation by the Beats DAO Council and community for choice of winners…

Join our social channels to learn more
Telegram: Contact @thebeatdao
Discord : BeatsDAO

The discord beat competition by the Beats DAO is a monthly event that enjoins music producers within and outside the web3 creative space to submit beats for evaluation by the beats DAO for evaluation of who emerges the winner of the beat contest for the month.
The Beats DAO is a growing community of onboarded web 3 music producers from other blockchain platforms and also from web 2 into the NEAR ecosystem. The Beats DAO supports its community of web 3 music producers through community engaging activities to make them see the wide scope of what the web 3 digital trend holds for the future. By interfacing them with ongoings within the NEAR Ecosystem, these music producers receive education and stimulation that goes beyond rewards into enthusiasm and a willingness to identify with a very promising futuristic digital shift.

The BeatsDAO monthly beat competition is on at the moment and entries would close on the 21st of this month after which winners would be announced on the 24th.

We enjoin music producers within web 3 and others who have no crypto dealings or involvement to take this chance and leverage on the digital opportunities that abound within web3 most especially the NEAR ecosystem

Below is the guidelines for eligibility and entry submission to participate in the BeatsDAO monthly beat competition

  • Join our social community on telegram or discord
  • Introduce yourself and state your interest to be part of the community and participate in the contest
  • Submit a link to a full length track of a hiphop/trap/drill beat in mp3 format and fill out the rest required fields in the supplied google form
  • Interact and be active within the Beat DAO community to stay abreast of other web 3 music opportunities and also to be aware of when winners would be announced

The Beats DAO is looking forward to ride on the levitation of last month’s progress of the number of music producers onboarded into the NEAR ecosystem and also the social traction garnered by the success of the NEAR mixtape, another initiative of the Beats DAO

If you are a music producer and do not know anything about blockchains, NFTs and crypto tokens, this is your opportunity for education and also be part of a significant digital shift. Dont be left out

Looking forward to hearing all your beautiful and mind journeying beats. This is going to be fun


Infinite Love as Always

John X