[Regional Communities Update] Procedures

Processes For Regional Communities


All activities by regional communities MUST be towards on-chain activities. Either getting more builders, onboarding new users or getting community members acquainted with existing products on NEAR

  • Local meetups (Offline or Online). This could be within universities, NGO organizations, developer communities, etc

  • Translation of materials to local languages. Materials translated MUST be focused on leading to the summary of the KPIs

  • Onboarding of more developers into the ecosystem through the sub-developer academy to be formed by guilds

  • Onboarding of projects from other chains, web2, or new ones to NEAR. This shall further be scrutinized by the developer DAO. This means when new or existing projects on other chains are to be onboarded by the regional communities, the Developer DAO does the checking to determine if it’s a project that fits the goal of NEAR

  • Local Regional Communities can be partners in some events organized in the region, such as a regional hackathon, which can bring together a Regional Community aimed at attracting the attention of users, crypto-degens and coverage of all events with a Regional Community aimed at development. Or the Regional Community of Creatives, which can unite with any community: a new community that has a certain range of users, or a Community of Developers to create a joint event. It can also be events when the Regional Community and a project built on NEAR come together. Or another regional crypto event where the Community can represent NEAR to introduce and reach more people.

  • If the Regional Community has decided to become a Regional Community of Developers, it is possible to onboard people from Web2 companies. In this case, the developers’ DAO verifies such companies. Also, training of new developers can be carried out in regional developer academies, if such are created and have sufficient experience


Regional communities who are just getting started MUST meet the following criteria to be able to qualify to take funding for their own activities.

  1. When all core members have verified IamHuman
  3. Have an AstroDAO account with at least three core members as council members
  4. Has filled out this form for documentation.
  5. Has her proposal been set in line with NEAR, and NDC goals
  6. A community focused on a region or a country

Criteria for new communities:

  • work with the community for 1-3 months
  • reporting without redundant information (for example, push a lot of links that do not really show work) with clear specific indicators: growth of social networks, if not - what problem did the community face, indicators on content created, events held, expenses incurred by the community for the community if hosted an event
  • checking community activity RC DAO, for example, for telegrams TGStats


A regional community can be classified as a successful one, if or when a combination of the following goals or growth is reached

  • Growth of community members interested in NEAR, investing in the NEAR ecosystem, following NEAR, chatting in the group, and participating. in the life of NEAR, attending events, etc.
  • Fulfilment of own goals for events. There should always be an approximate goal, but in order to work with it, you need to try and gain experience, if the goal was not achieved, the community needs to analyze and outline the next action plan. Try out different activities and keep interacting with the community.
  • Have tracked the actions of the main members of the community on budget expenditures. Have control over the budget.
  • Participation and/or creation of IRL events, if it is possible for the region.
  • Distribution of information about hackathons for the community, interaction with regional communities: degen news communities, developers and creatives.
  • Participation in testing any projects under development on NEAR, such as games, and new DeFi products, if any, and are being built in the ecosystem

For developer communities:

  • Recruit and train xx NEAR developers if the community only works with developers.
  • xx hacknode or hackathon with confirmation of participation in projects
  • xx developer materials translated for local adaptation. They should be used by sub-developer academies if there are any in the region.
  • Has X projects actively developed in the region. Use these commands to host events, educate others, inspire others to take action, and more


The RCWG shall use this tracking sheet to value the work to be done, and work done by communities to continue giving them access to funding from the Marketing DAO. Video and photos shall also be needed as proof of events.

To keep up with on-chain tracking, the following methods MUST be used by each community

  • Use the NEAR tip bot on Telegram for the distribution of rewards
  • Use AstroDAO for the distribution of rewards for other community bounties
  • Use near.social for at least one community event in a month.


The champions of the Regional Community Working Group shall be responsible for collecting all proposals from Regional communities (country-based or regions based), accessing the proposals and having calls with Community leaders to realign proposals with the key focus requirements and hence, gathering all proposals to the Marketing DAO. This process shall take ONLY A WEEK.

Proposals shall be quarterly based. However, it is categorized into months for easy breakdown of KPIs. Funds shall be distributed monthly despite proposals shall be approved for each quarter. The funds shall be distributed monthly based on the timelines met. Hence, any community that is unable to achieve the first milestone won’t be awarded funds the following month but wait another quarter.


  1. Onboard at least 100 community members to Near.Social in the first month, and the same in the second and third
  2. Used their Astro DAO accounts to distribute bounties to community members
  3. Onboard 100 community members monthly to verify IamHuman
  4. Translated at least four (4) materials monthly
  5. Held about four (4) events. This combines offline and online
  6. Onboard projects on chain


Introduction Post Format For Regional Communities

Due to the fact that the Regional Community funding is having a revamp, all communities MUST make an introduction post on near.social.

How to make posts on near.social.

  1. Create a post
  2. Be sure that the title begins with [Introduction]
  3. Give a brief overview in the title, for example [Introduction] Creation of NEAR Madagascar
  4. Provide the following information
  • Community Name
  • Links to social media handles
  • Near.social of all core members
  • Introduce team members, and add links to all their social media handles
  • Provide reasons for creating the community
  • Provide strategies that will be used by the team to achieve team goals
  • Give a quarterly roadmap of your community, breaking it down into months.
  • Include a link to the AstroDAO account of your community with at least three council members. Any community without an AstroDAO account will NOT get funded

After making the post on near.social, copy the link to the post and share under this forum post, and name your community.


NOTE: Proposals shall only be accepted from now till the 25th of April to allow the working group access proposals.

How to Apply for a Grant

  1. Make a forum post with the heading [PROPOSAL]
  2. Give an overview of your community.
  3. Give a brief overview in the title, for example
    [Proposal] August social media budget for WhoIsSol DAO

What to include in a proposal:

  1. Guild, community, project name;
  2. The region, country (for statistics), a number of members in your guild, community, or project;
  3. Links on social media and how many members in the social media;
  4. Link to community’s near.social account
  5. Please, introduce yourself and your teammates;
  6. Funding scheme: Quarterly (broken down into months)
  7. Proposal summary, be sure to include:
  • What problem is the proposal solving?
  • How is the problem being solved?
  • Expected impact and value for the Near community;
  • Metrics/KPIs to track results.
  1. Links to similar proposals on the forum (if applicable);

Note: Getting rewards can take up to 4 or more weeks. Please plan your proposals and funding requests.

  1. Funding Details
  • Total requested amount in USD;

Note: Approved proposals will be paid out. The MarketingDAO aims to fund proposals up to $5000 a month for a start. An approved proposal doesn’t mean that approved payment will be executed. Applicants should complete and pass KYC/KYB, and sign the required paperwork.


Please include in your proposal the following information:

  1. AstroDAO wallet id of community.
  2. YOUR name
  3. Telegram handle
  4. Email

Reviewing process

  1. The Regional Communities Working group member will review your proposal, give feedback on the forum, decide to approve or reject the bid or request additional information. If additional information is requested, the applicant has five calendar days for an answer; otherwise, the Proposal will be closed, status [Closed].
  2. A proposal is approved - status [Approved]
  3. A proposal is rejected (status [Rejected]) if it received at least one documented negative decision on the forum from the Regional DAO councils.


Upon rejection of any proposal, the said community will have to resubmit another proposal based on the recommendations given by the council members.


How to submit a report?

The report is an essential part of transparency in the Near Community.

  1. Submit a report to Regional Community Working Group
  2. Make sure your post title begins with [Report], please use the tag “report”
  3. Give a brief overview in the title, for example
    [Report] August social media budget for Maestro DAO.

Structure of the report

The following is the required structure for this reporting and suggested metrics for project success:

Please include a link to the Approved proposal on the Near forum;

The approved amount is $;

Target wallet;

Guild Name;

Share information about achieved KPIs:

  • Month (For which month is this report)
  • Main Content (Videos, Articles, Metrics)
  • Daily Content (Posts in Telegram, Instagram, Twitter) + (Show the numbers that were with those that have become)
  • Events (AMAs, any events and contests)
  • Grants (What were the funds spent on (amount - purpose - destination))
  • Growth of your media (Show the numbers that were with those that have become)

Compare results with initial targets.

What will the report look like?

[Report] Next Guild August 2022

Previous proposal


The approved amount is $


Guild name:

Next Guild



Main Content

2 videos on Youtube


4 articles on Medium


Daily Content

Telegram News Channel - 67 in August / 50 were in the last month

Progress: 34% (+17 posts)

Twitter - 65 in August / 50 were in the last month

Gain: 30% (+15 posts)


AMA with Trisolaris


AMA with Aurigami


AMA with crypto communities XXX to attract users to our chatroom


Meme contest



50 Near/USD - CM Jessy’s salary

30 Near/USD - Moderator Alex,s salary

100Near/USD - Rewards for meme contest (10 winners)


Telegram (link on your Telegram) - 67 in August / 50 were in the last month

Progress: 34% (+17 posts)

Twitter (link on your Twitter) - 65 in August / 50 were in the last month

Gain: 30% (+15 posts)

If you planned something else in the submitted proposal and did not perform it, you can write why and what was the reason for the blocking of this or that action.

List of all group members and their compensation for the month.

List of how every event reward was shared. A comprehensive list of the number of tokens to each winner at the events.

Challenges faced during the month and possible suggestions as to how you think those chapel ages can be solved or prevented in the next month.

Plans for the coming month.


Great job @IgbozeIsrael, and all core RG WG contributors.


Thanks, thanks.
Your support was really helpful.

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This is very important for community leaders.

All introduction and Proposals should come in before this date.


Thanks @IgbozeIsrael , I will make additions to the document, it is a pity that there are not 40 hours in a day :grin:


Thanks, @IgbozeIsrael, As already mentioned, I did an introduction already here: [Announcement] NEAR DACH - The regional community for the German-speaking area

The proposal will follow this week because I was on vacation.

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@DDeAlmeida please check this. this is applied to every month not just April, we had mentioned it in our several calls too

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Thank you @Bakaka
Can you please explain why this Proposal was Approved

Deposited: 30/05

But here He was specifically discussing April as the starting point for the return of suggestions, but it wasn’t intended as a permanent rule. The wording, though, was not entirely clear

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It applies every month, we have said in some calls, it is not our intention to reject any community proposal, and having a time frame will give us time to review it on time instead of random submissions at any time.

But if other members are okay with your submission, i don’t have any problem with it. the guideline “it is a working doc”

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Ok Thank you Bro … I will tag the members in our proposal

gm everyone!

Thanks for the invite.