[Announcement] NEAR DACH - The regional community for the German-speaking area

CC: @marketingdao-council


Hey NEAR Community,

My name is Kemal, I’m a crypto enthusiast from Berlin and I’ve been with NEAR for more than two years now. For those community members who see me for the first time, I was part of the “Concierge Team” initiative from 2021 to the end of 2022, where we were responsible for the international community channels (Telegram., Discord, Reddit) of the NEAR protocol. Which led me to also build the German community for NEAR.

Unfortunately, conflicts arose with the two co-founders of the already existing German community, which led to the decision to end the work with the co-founders and to found NEAR DACH. I can’t talk about the reasons publicly here, because I don’t want to put anyone to shame publicly. However, I have submitted the case including evidence to the Marketing DAO.

But why NEAR DACH? In the business world, DACH or D-A-CH describes the German-speaking area, which consists of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. And DACH is a combined abbreviation of the country letters of Germany (D), Austria (A), and Switzerland (CH) and thus the German-speaking area in Europe.

Goals & Objectives


The primary goal is first of all to build up a sustainable German-speaking community for the DACH area, where newbies and professionals come together and exchange ideas and knowledge.


:white_check_mark: NEAR DACH Socials
⠀⠀:white_check_mark: Twitter
⠀⠀:white_check_mark: Telegram
⠀⠀:white_check_mark: Medium
:white_check_mark: Banners and professional account PFPs.


:black_square_button: Build up the Telegram community
:black_square_button: Host AMAs in other German communities
:black_square_button: Translate important NEAR articles to German
:black_square_button: Create articles about NEAR in German
:black_square_button: Host Twitter Spaces
:black_square_button: Interviews with major German KOLs, such as this one.
:black_square_button: Create the German version of the NEAR Community Guide (Which I Co-developed), which will become the go-to place for German-speaking people to start with NEAR.
:black_square_button: Build a Regional Hub


The founding team consists of @Kemal, @FritzWorm

Kemal is a crypto enthusiast, founder, and community builder. He has already built several communities in different industries and knows very well what it takes to build a sustainable community.

Fritz is an engineer with a lot of experience in Web3 development and building on-chain communities. He was also part of the Concierge team last year. He lived in Germany for a while, so he also speaks German and can help answer questions from the community.

The goal is to expand the team to bring in more expertise and promote decentralization and I am also already in talks with some new potential members who would like to join the initiative and offer their services to build the DACH community. More details soon.

Measurements of Success

We plan to measure success by the end of the year using the following metrics.

:radio_button: Number of articles shared on Medium
:radio_button: Numbers of active Members on Telegram and Twitter
:radio_button: Support provided through community channels such as Telegram
:radio_button: Online/offline events created for the German NEAR community
:radio_button: Number of Wallets created
:radio_button: Number of Devs onboarded


Since the administrative work has so far been very low, no funding is requested with this proposal.

We also want to wait for the current situation regarding the “Regional Communities” and will submit the first proposal including funding in March.


So sad for what happened with your previous community founder’s, but my question is, is the German community with which you disengaged still active or has it been closed down due to the conflict?


Hey @Bakaka, Thank you for your question. The other German community is still active, but lacks quality, as the co-founders have used questionable techniques to increase the number of members. Therefore, in the interest of the NEAR Foundation and transparency, the community should actually be closed.


You count on me partner :wink:


Okay, but were you one of the previous founders? If yes, you mentioned the community lacked quality and used questionable methods to increase member, how do you make a difference now with the new community, and how do you want the Near foundation to trust the new one founded by the previous founders?

If no, wish you best of luck with the new community and hope you learned a lot from the previous conflicts that won’t repeated.

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That’s a very good. :+1:

I was a Co-Founder, so joined later. I was mainly in charge of translations, discussions, AMAs, and Interviews, and providing support when Community members had questions, and the others were the owner of the Telegram and Twitter channel and were in charge of member growth.

I I have already built several sustainable communities in different areas and was, among others, responsible for the international community of the NEAR Foundation from 2021-2022 as described above. My techniques to build communities are more about educational content, collaborations, and events rather than the said techniques of the founders of the other German Guild. Slow and steady wins the race…

I don’t understand this question, maybe you can elaborate on who you mean by former founders because that was not me as I joined later.

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Oh, less powerful founder :laughing:, jokingly

I understand that now.

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Bravo, sure “slow and steady wins the race” :+1:

Your first respond already clear this doubt.

Best of luck dude, we will colab one day.


Very clear and concise plan of action.

Im from Ireland but live in Luxembourg. Im interested in creating a Near Luxembourg community

From your post its obvious you have great experience in what it takes to create the first steps to forming a regional community

I’d be very interested to contact you to discuss further and get your opinion on the best way to do this

Also, as you know, Luxembourg is German speaking, so maybe we can look at ways to send Deutschsprachebürgers to your newly formed community?

Happy Monday @Niall And Great to hear that you also want to build a NEAR Community in your region. Would be great if you get some Luxembourgians to our DACH Community as well. :raised_hands: Feel free to DM me on Telegram, my handle is (@) iamkemoo.

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Nice one! That’d be great

Will send you a msg now. Would love to learn about the very first steps in creating a successful guild, and document it so that everyone who wants to after can follow if they so wish
