Following the proposals received for the month of May and the actions that followed after, we encourage Leaders of Regional Communities to be at weekly calls for proper updates and learn how to use tools provided.
For those with their proposals already approved, be mindful of the tracking sheet as it serves as a record for your weekly activities.
Also, we call on Regional Community Leaders to submit their proposals for the month of June. Proposals MUST be in line with the guidelines for Regional Communities.
The following Leaders are to resubmit their proposals to be considered for the month of June. Deadline for submission of proposals to be considered for the MONTH of June is 26th MAY. This is to enable the contributors go through the proposals and enhance quicker disbursement of funds.
NOTE: Community Leaders need to keep growing their communities as proposals are still been considered. YOUR WORK SHOWS THAT YOU DESERVE FUNDING. Also, proposals are NOT to exceed a $2k monthly cap as this is a test revamp for regional communities. In a situation of an offline event, such proposal should be separate from the online activities as it will be considered differently. This means offline event proposals should come in TWO MONTHS before time.
Attendance to weekly calls is vital to getting your proposals approved too. It will be a vital to have leaders of communities who are active and following the updates of the Working Group.
Awesome update @IgbozeIsrael. Happy to see communities around the world making efforts to keep NEAR on TOM of people.
If you RCWG consider it viable, I would suggest some KPI’s that can indicate the impact that these communities are making for the ecosystem.
‘#’ of NEAR wallets created
‘#’ of profiles created
‘#’ of BOS builders onboarded
‘#’ of NEAR Horizon projects published
‘#’ of i-am-human verifications
Even when every community have its own vision, keeping common metrics can help us to measure how well is doing one community vs another and how can we help those who are not making well.
I want to warn that social media accounts and follower are not enough to measure the success of a community.