[PT] Bem-vindos a Guilda Português! / [EN] Welcome to the Portuguese Guild!

Portuguese :brazil: :portugal: :angola: :mozambique: :guinea_bissau: :timor_leste: :cape_verde: :sao_tome_principe: :macau:

Bem-vindos a Guilda Português! :tada:

Meu nome é Murilo, sou brasileiro, e eu quero apresentar para vocês um pouco de quem somos, o que fazemos e quais os nossos objetivos!


Trazer conteúdo em português sobre a NEAR, com foco em educação (tutoriais, blogposts, eventos).

Quem somos?

Atualmente somos uma guilda com 10 membros ativos, em sua maioria brasileiros e programadores, que se encontram semanalmente de forma virtual.

Você pode conhecer de forma mais aprofundada sobre a guilda e como fazemos as coisas na prática no nosso Notion.

O que fizemos até agora?

  • Fizemos a tradução e publicação dos principais blogposts, afim de novos membros conseguirem conhecer e dar o pontapé inicial no universo NEAR.
  • Participamos do NEAR Certified Developer Program, um curso gratuito que ensina a programar contratos inteligentes na NEAR.
  • Criamos um tutorial iniciante de como programar seu primeiro contrato inteligente na NEAR.
  • Criamos um encontro quinzenal para aprender e programar juntos.

Quais os próximos passos?

  • Criar vídeos educativos no YouTube. Para Julho, nós queremos fazer 2 vídeos, crescendo esse número ao longo dos próximos meses conforme nos acostumamos com a ferramenta. Você pode acessar nosso canal no Youtube aqui.
  • Organizar e participar de eventos na comunidade. Para Outubro, nós com certeza vamos participar do Hacktoberfest. Também estamos estudanso organizar um meetup/talk para Setembro.
  • Melhorar nosso marketing afim de captar novos membros e ensinar mais pessoas. Para isso, queremos estruturar e padronizar nossas divulgações, com pessoas fixas para isso. Além disso, tornar fácil e rápido as traduções. Hoje ainda não temos pessoas o suficiente para alcançar esse objetivo.

Como você pode interagir e participar?

  • Conversamos principalmente no Discord, no canal comunidade-near.
  • Também temos um grupo no Telegram.
  • Nossas reuniões semanais acontecem nas quintas-feiras, as 18hrs, lá no Discord.
  • Siga-nos no Twittter.

English :us: :uk:

Welcome to the Portuguese Guild! :tada:

My name is Murilo, I’m Brazilian, and want to show you who we are, what we do, and what are our goals!


Bring content in Portuguese about NEAR, focusing on education (tutorials, blogposts, events).

Who we are?

We are currently a guild with 10 active members, mostly Brazilians, and programmers, who meet weekly online.

You can learn more about the guild and how we do things in practice in our Notion.

What have we done so far?

  • We did the translation and publication of the main blogposts, in order for new members to get to know and kick-start the NEAR universe.
  • We participated in the NEAR Certified Developer Program, a free course that teaches you how to program smart contracts at NEAR.
  • We created a beginner tutorial on how to program your first smart contract at NEAR.
  • We created a biweekly meeting to learn and code together.

What are the next steps?

  • Create educational videos on YouTube. For July, we want to create 2 videos, and growing this number during the next months as we get used. You can access our Youtube channel here.
  • Organize and participate in community events. For October, we will surely participate in the Hacktoberfest. We also are looking to organize a meetup/talk for September.
  • Improve our marketing in order to attract new members and teach more people. For this, we want to structure and standardize our disclosures, with fixed people. Also, make it easy and fast to translate and create content (tutorial, documentation, blogpost). Today we still don’t have enough people to reach that goal.

How can you interact and participate?

  • We mainly chat using Discord, on channel comunidade-near.
  • We also have a Telegram group.
  • Our weekly meetings take place on Thursdays at 6 pm at Discord.
  • Follow us on Twittter.

Hey @murilooon and NEAR Portuguese Guild, welcome! Thank you for this post, along with your cute Nearkat banner :wink:

Please add as many links to your published content as you can for community-members to reference if they so choose, including a link to your YouTube channel (when it’s ready).

Do also let us know:

  • how many educational videos you’re planning on launching on YouTube over the next month, or three months, or however you want to measure your project timelines

  • how many community events are you considering? where and when would they be held? are you looking for partnerships or any kind of support at the moment that the community could help you with? what sort of community-building initiatives (Airdrops, NEAR wallet on boarding, etc.) are you planning on including with your events? the more details the better here!

  • what kind of marketing plans do you have at the moment (for Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and/or other social media channels you’re planning on building)? would you like some assistance with designing these plans? NEAR team members @jcatnear @JMaenen specialize in social media use and development for community building, for instance.

Will there be other translation efforts the Guild is pursuing? Any upcoming collaborations?

Looking forward to hearing more about what the Portuguese Guild will be up to, and then let’s set up another call to discuss what incentives/rewards/bounties the Guild could be considering to reward your members!


Hii @mecsbecs!!!

I updated the post to include your thoughts about the future focus of the guild.

And about the translation efforts, we are organizing a new way for us and for other guilds to translate content, in a centralized tool, without rework. In the near future we will share here in the forum, also in other channels. For a quick look, you can check the Crowdin project and the Github repository.

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Thanks @murilooon! Appreciate getting more detail. Also love the clear organization of translated works in Crowdin. I hadn’t encountered this tool before so now I’m off to explore the possibilities!!

If you need any assistance coming up with a budget in anticipation of posting your end-of-month report & payout request for funding for the Guild’s activities, do let me know. :smiley: