NEAR Token Price Updates on Twitter by a Bot

we know, it’s not about the money… or about the price

Nevertheless, I see that it is an important part for the massive and mainstream adoption. At this point I like to use twitter for information and to watch news, as I hold some crypto assets, I like to follow some bots that tweets updates about the price of this assets. It’s very popular here in Brazil. I’m talking about bots like these:

So I made an open source bot like those for $NEAR Token price, it is very generic and easy to replicate. My code is running these two profiles:

So, I’m here to invite anyone that likes it to clone or fork the repo and deploy it on your local currency. Here is the repo for the code:

The deploying process is very easy, only depends on the setting up of the environment variables and maybe it even doesn’t need any coding. This settings are explained on the README of the repo.

Thanks, enjoy it and leave a star on the repo and a follow on the twitter if you liked, any feedback will be welcome.

I’m Igor Froehner: igorfroehner.near
Acknowledgment for the help of murilo.near in the bot coding: Profile - murilooon - NEAR Forum
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