I’m hereby proposing to add @3UN1C3 to the Community Squad DAO:
I’m proposing to add rebecca.near / @mecsbecs to the Community Squad DAO.
Check out this awesome guide she made for the new Creatives DAO!
thanks @jlwaugh and would love to be a council member with my fellow Community Squad teammates!
I’m proposing to add jcpacion.near / @jcatnear to the Community Squad DAO.
She is doing awesome work, and just getting started!
I’m proposing to add rossgates.near / @ross to the Community Squad DAO.
He is a shining star!
I’m proposing to add joep.near / @JMaenen to the Community Squad DAO.
He knows decentralized is not necessarily disorganized!
I’m proposing to add * norahhl.near * / @norah.near to the Community Squad DAO.
She is a mega pro!
*edit: accidentally used norah.near in the first attempt! Just proposed removing that Norah and adding the correct Norah
Thank you @jlwaugh, would love to be a part of the council and work together with great team!
I’m proposing to add davidmo.near / @David_NEAR to the Community Squad DAO.
He is ready to go!
thank you! correct Norah is here.
Following up on this ~ as we have discussed, I’ll be proposing to remove Norah from the Community Squad DAO council. She is welcome to rejoin!
Currently, 8 votes are required to approve any proposal, which is too many for us to decide on proposals in a timely / agile manner.
Please add jmoss.near to the community council
Hi @JMoss-spec - this request to join the council arrived without any context or full proposal as to what you’d like to bring to the Community Squad DAO, and in this v1 version of the CS DAO we’re not opening council positions to the wider community at this time. Stay tuned for NEAR Community DAO when we do!
As a result, I will be voting NO on your proposal.