Community Squad Weekly Update: 2 MAR 21

:fire: Community Squad Update Thread

@shreyas @jlwaugh @nima @chloe @starpause
Priorities (Update every Monday)
Progress and blockers (Update every Thursday)

:building_construction: Community Squad’s Effort Last Week:

  • Ecosystem partnership efforts with TokenAngels, MintGate, Abridged, KeyKo
  • FoFs preso and plans for NFC
  • Partnership with SeedClub
  • Guild point system review
  • Community council meeting and review
  • Community Sync with teams on Hackathon arrangement

:abacus: Boring Metrics

Global Community Updates:
Discord total members: 9217→ 9217 (+22)
Telegram total members: 8483 → 8628 (+145)
Active guild: 32


I think we should add Chloe (and Jordan) too :wink:

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Good call haha thanks!

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Great to be adding to this weekly priorities thread for the first time!

This week I will be focusing on the upcoming Open Web Community Event in April; talking with @shreyas and @amgando Tuesday to go over more details. (NFT track specifically)

Also, wIth regards to “Open Sorcery” (Devrel Guild - Open Sourcery ✨), I plan to work through the NEAR Certified Devs program (NEAR Certified Developer --- Overview - HackMD) to see how that can link with ensuring there are enough well-trained devs within the community to fill the guild. (seems to be a contentious topic?)

Working with Somnium space on their upcoming guild and how it can coordinate with some of the guilds that already have a community within the NEAR ecosystem (Createabse Guild / Music Guild).


Is there a plan to keep NEAR’s Reddit community page updated? It would help to have events, and announcements posted on there regularly.


Progress from last week:

  • Hiring- [On-Going]
  • Reprioritizing everything! [Done]
  • Community council meeting and review [Done]
  • Community hackathon with Sherif [Ongoing]
  • What are guilds video [Ongoing]
  • Sync with Cameron about guilds [Done]
  • Pre-hackathon plan- sputnik v2 [Ongoing]
  • Plan out guild relaunch activities [Ongoing]
  • Community Fellows and RFG with Mally/Laura [Done]
  • We are open - process management and transparency stuff [Done]

Priorities this week:

Sync with Laura on marketing support for all the community efforts

  • Hiring
  • Community Hack
  • Fuzzy Dice Proposal
  • Guild onboarding
  • NEAR Australia event review and sync
  • India educational initiative kick off
  • Sync with Rare Effect and Caro
  • Marketing guild sync with Jilian
  • NEAR Africa meetup
  • Guild sprint

Hi @mngigi, we’d love to revive and update Reddit more frequently. But we’re looking for some help on that front. If you’re familiar with Reddit and can help out, or know people that can, please reach out and connect with @3UN1C3 :slight_smile:


Hello hello NEARverse citizens!

This week my primary focus is coordinating strategy, team and plans for our upcoming huuuuge Open Web Community //Con //Hack //Movement … (planned for late Apr). You can check out our collab proposal with Dystopia Labs on #community:community-fund

In addition to that also:

  • Hiring and onboarding a senior Technical PM (Program Manager)
  • Posting JDs and interviews for 3-4 additional roles (community managers, technical devrel for community/hackathons, head of hackathons, community ops, guild manager, …)
  • Discussions and workshops with a potential lead for Community Head of Ops
  • Team sync and org-wide sync
  • Reviewing our progress towards Q1 OKRs and Q2 planning, budgeting, OKRs, …
  • MOAR
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  • Review guild report :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
  • Community Home notion page finalize and feedback :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
  • Introduction call with Discord gurus on Near discord optimization :white_check_mark: :hammer_and_wrench:Waiting for proposal
  • Review Guild point system and marketing guild coordination :white_check_mark: :no_entry_sign:
  • Community report and monthly updates :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
  • Marketing team sync and townhall :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
  • 4NTS bi-weekly sync :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
  • Asia weekly sync :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:
  • NEAR Africa meeting :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark:

Progress from last week:

  • met with Open Sourcerers to gather feedback on ideas of Open Sourcery
  • updated my task list on GitHub, considering the operational timeline of NEAR DevRel team
  • reconnected with open web community leaders to scope tracks for event in late April, building on the momentum of OWC Demo Day
  • encouraged Tiffany and Yifang to lead NEAR Analytics Guild, and they are posting weekly updates with valuable data insights from the NEAR ecosystem
  • participated in ZKV Privacy Roundtable and joined Cypherpunk Guild
  • gave feedback on a presentation re: STAKE token by OysterPack and DeFi Guild
  • worked with Abridged and NEAR DevRel on the idea formerly known as “DAO Hub

Priorities for this week:

  • integrate feedback on NEAR DevRel Guild structure and processes
  • submit PR to update near/community GitHub repository (see task list for details)
  • collaborate on planning document for Open Web Community Hackathon + Conference
  • create aggregate community update like this one, including links to weekly updates from NEAR Analytics Guild and other guilds, projects, and teams
  • sync with NEAR Marketing re: Open Brand
  • meet Corwin to discuss ideas for user research initiatives
  • write a reply to answer LunaNova’s questions about governance
  • building stories to help coordinate dev guilds and projects
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Thanks for the update James.

Look forward to the next stages of work (and in particular the answers to our governance questions!) :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi James! I wanna know a little bit more about the Analytics Guild, cause i also have some community data that can contribute to this :fire: