The discussion about the definition of art in the second half of the 20th century was fostered, on the one hand, by the philosophical denial of the possibility of defining art and, on the other hand, by the diverse artistic production. In this talk, I will consider the relationship between artistic production and philosophical reflection, based on artistic manifestations that proposed new media in art, such as Fluxus and Conceptual Art. For this, I will present some of the main definitions of art proposed to include artistic production from the mid-twentieth century onwards, pointing out some objections to them. Finally, I think this talk can be a base for reflecting on art in digital media in the current days.
I’m a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. My current research focuses on the nature of aesthetic experience. I hold degrees (BA) in both Philosophy and Arts. My master’s dissertation was about the definition of art, and I’m interested in several topics in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Metaphysics, and Philosophy of Perception.
The seminar will take place on July 29th (online).
It will be held in Portuguese.
Budget for speaker: USD 250 in dai or near (that more convenient to dao).
NEAR account for payment: rosasdulces.near