Do we still need Art? With this question in mind, the objective of this lecture is to present the development and transformations of the concept of Beauty. For this, we will seek to demonstrate the distance from the empirical world of the concept of Beauty offered by Plato. Likewise, the Aristotelian attempt to bring this concept closer to the practical character of the work of art. In this perspective, we will examine the approximation of the concept of Beauty and religion in the Middle Ages and the attempt to naturalize the Renaissance. In modernity, Kant will advocate for a subjective and universalizable Beauty, while Hegel will link Art and Reality. In turn, Nietzsche understands that life is an aesthetic phenomenon. In this context, it is also necessary to consider the transformations of the technicist logic of domination of nature and of social and personal relationships. In this sense, modern and contemporary art presents a new language, shocking, contradictory, free from logical nexus, intentionally absurd. It is the anti-poetry preached by Dadaism. To verify such transformations, images from different periods will be used.
Keberson Bresolin is a professor at the Federal University of Pelotas - Brazil. He holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Caxias do Sul (2005), a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Pelotas (2020), a Master’s in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2007) and a sandwish doctorate in Philosophy from the Pontifical University Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (2012) and at the University of Tübingen-Germany with a CAPES/DAAD scholarship. He holds a postdoctoral degree (2013-2014) also from the University of Tübingen-Germany with a scholarship from the Humboldt-Stfitung.
The seminar will take place on June 1th, online.
It will be held in Portuguese.
Budget for speaker: USD 250 in dai or near (that more convenient to dao).
NEAR account for payment: keberson.near