Already on CV now!
No, I will add you to our store. Just send me your name.near that appears on mintbase.
I would say that you should mint it. I added you to our historical store, but feel free to mint is somewhere else, if you like, and send us the link + youtube link. If you like, mint it on our store, one submited work. If you like to, you can send our DAO a copy for historical keeping: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Wonderful! Thank you very much! Would you send us too the youtube link?
esta mintado
I hope i minted right, it was my first time minting there
Thanks @thephilosopher
@thephilosopher how do we send the second copy to be stored, not sold?
You click in transfer, that is the button at the side of the one for putting to sale, and than you put this adress: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Thank you for this, Klara!
Thanks, it’s akizard.near
I just added you as a minter in our store. Please, mint your submission there, or if it is already minted, send us the link.
Hi Philosopher! Thanks for this!
I’ll submit my genesis (visual art):
My wallet address:
Wonderful video. I tried to make a playlist with it, but youtube told me your video is listed as content to children. Could you list it as not a content to children? Just while we have the prize. Could it be?
The link from Noemia did not work it.
What link do you need us to send you? We have a Mint Store, so we’re going to mint it on our store. Do you need that link? There’s also another problem, the video is too big to put on mint store, is the audio enough?
If this is a music submission, we need the youtube link and the link of the minted work.
In respect to the minting, I would then mint a representation of the video with the associated link to the complete video. I tried click on your link, but it didnt work.
Banali Solidária
Arte criada por mim para o evento solidário de arrecadação de verba para famílias em situação de rua do coletivo de música eletrônica alternativa Banali que aconteceu em julho deste ano.
A verba arrecadada com esse concurso vai para o caixa do coletivo, ajudando o coletivo a continuar a crescer.
carteira de inscrição: banali.near
link da NFT: BANALI SOLIDÁRIA by danonepsicodelico.mintbase1.near on Mintbase
Fica o convite para quem quiser adquirir uma arte, a verba sempre vai pra ajudar o crescimento do coletivo, e vc recebe uma edição impressa em casa (apenas território nacional) <3