[PRIZE RESULTS] NEAR Metaverse Prize: submission of candidates (visual art and music)



Hey, my friends, thank you very much for the submissions. We are very thrilled with our forthcoming exhibition. We will add all of you that submited a non-minted work temporarily to our store, in order for you to mint your submission. Please, mint just 1 work each person. Make your mint as complete as you can in respect historical information. If you feel like it, make reference to our FIRST NEAR METAVERSE PRIZE, from Metaverse DAO, funded by Near Foundation and supported by Mintbase DAO, happening at December 19th, 2021, 23:59 UTC, at Createbase Piers, on Cryptovoxels: Createbase Piers - 1 Adalbertstraße - Cryptovoxels

Please, as soon as you mint in the store, please send here the link and let us know. From tomorrow we will start to add your wallets to the store. If you want to send a copy to our DAO for us to keep a historical record, here it is our adress: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near

For all of us that submitted an already minted NFT, we will add all of you to the wall of our prize also from tomorrow on. We thank you again for you awesome art. And let’s populate the metaverse with them!

We are super excited with the exhibition! See you there!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us here, or jump into our telegram channel.


Hello my friend, thank you for the invite! :christmas_tree: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :christmas_tree:

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How can we access the store

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Title: Painstorm
Link: mintbase.io/thing/Y2UkzIzFwAUwxWSoG4RiBP14B90ptCz2Z8Ap1D0w95A:gambiarra.mintbase1.near
Twitter: @feh_nnd
Wallet: fehnnd.near


I will add you all today and I will come here to tell you.
I will start now. :slight_smile: <3

Dmytrine, what is your wallet?

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Dear Wasem Simon, I just added you as a minter to our store. Please, mint the NFT you will submit there. Please, do not mint more than one. If you feel like it, for historical purposes, send our DAO a copy at: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near

Dear @Dazo, I just added you as a minter to our store. Please, mint the NFT you will submit there. Please, do not mint more than one. If you feel like it, for historical purposes, send our DAO a copy at: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near

If it is already minted, please share here the link. Please, make your mint as complete as you can, for historical purposes.

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Dear @mwhyden , I just added you as a minter to our store. Please, mint the NFT you will submit there. Please, do not mint more than one. If you feel like it, for historical purposes, send our DAO a copy at: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near

If it is already minted, please share here the link. Please, make your mint as complete as you can, for historical purposes.

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Dear, @maesolteirarecs, please what is your wallet? Are the videos music submissions? Are they minted on near yet?


Dear @Japajou, I just added you as a minter to our store. Please, mint the NFT you will submit there. Please, do not mint more than one. If you feel like it, for historical purposes, send our DAO a copy at: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near If it is already minted, please share here the link. Please, make your mint as complete as you can, for historical purposes.

Dear @whatshertoes, I just added you as a minter to our store. Please, mint the NFT you will submit there. Please, do not mint more than one. If you feel like it, for historical purposes, send our DAO a copy at: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near If it is already minted, please share here the link. Please, make your mint as complete as you can, for historical purposes.

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Oh, I understand, my friend, but maybe you need to mint another one on Mintbase. Would it be ok for you. Can you login on Mintbase with your NEAR wallet?

Dear @becopro, I just added you as a minter to our store. Please, mint the NFT you will submit there. Please, do not mint more than one. If you feel like it, for historical purposes, send our DAO a copy at: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near If it is already minted, please share here the link. Please, make your mint as complete as you can, for historical purposes.

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Dear @klarakopi, I just added you as a minter to our store. Please, mint the NFT you will submit there. Please, do not mint more than one. If you feel like it, for historical purposes, send our DAO a copy at: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near If it is already minted, please share here the link. Please, make your mint as complete as you can, for historical purposes.

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Hi! Our wallet is maesolteirarecs.near and the video and the other bandcamp link are music submissions, yes! No, they’re not minted yet. If they’re minted they can’t be submitted or if we submit them we can’t mint them later?

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Very happy to participate! thanks for the opportunity.

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Thank you, @claudinhabelha. I’ve just put your work n CV now. <3

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Cool, yes I can login with akizard.near
Do I have to create a store to mint? If so, perhaps there’s another way for the account as it costs 6.5N to create a store.

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