[OVERVIEW REPORT] Filipino Artist Guild Councils

Hello Near Community, Filipino Artist Guild is on our 6th Month this July and as Our Guild is Growing our Community is Getting Bigger also so as a Fresh Start we Added trusted Members From the Community to help us manage The Community.

Filipino Artist Guild is Welcoming our new Councils,Each of Us Has a Different task and skills to maintain the well balance Community.

Here Our New Set Of Councils of Filipino Artist Guild Starting June 2022.


@kc_sollano -Advisor

Welcome to Our team guys and thank You for all your hardworks and Dedication you gave to our Community,.

And to our dearest Council who step Down @vanengs thank You for all Your Help since Day One, we at Filipino Artist Guild appreciate all The Hardworks you share with Us. See you in the Community anytime if You have Free Time Fam​:blush:

LFG Fam​:rocket::fire::philippines::philippines:


LFG to a more decentralized approach! :fire:


Wow this is wonderful,:heart_eyes::heart_eyes: LFG Filipino Artist Guild!!!


I’m mido4bs.near. I’m a researcher and moderator in F.A.G telegram and discord accounts, and have been recently elected as one of the councils of Filipino Artists Guild.

I started my Near journey last January 2022. As a researcher and moderator of the Filipino Artists Guild, We help accommodate new artists being on-boarded on Near. Here are some of the tasks that we do for the growth of not only our guild but also the entire community :

  • Help new artists in creating their wallets and in minting their Nfts on different Near marketplaces.
  • Secure the guild from scammers and suspicious telegram users by banning them after checking their profile.
  • Host random Twitter spaces to encourage everyone from the community to have confidence in a shilling and marketing their NFTs.
  • Partner with different Nft projects for Wl, giveaways, and cross collaborations.
    -vote on proposals (specifically 1 vote on AstroDAO)

As a new council in Filipino Artists Guild , we will take full responsibility and accountability to the role given to us with the guide of our leaders . We will support our guild and the whole ecosystem in promoting sustainability and decentralization.We may be new to the near community but it doesn’t make us less of keen learners and supporters doing our passion for the betterment of the community.
Thank you for trusting us .
It’s our pleasure to be part of this growing community.

Here are my sns accounts and Ner wallet:

Twitter: x.com

Telegram: @midoforbes

Discord: Mido#8769

Near wallet: mido4bs.near


Hello, NEAR Community.

I am maryrazel.near, former researcher of Filipino Artist Guild and been recently part of the newly elected councils.

I’ve started on NEAR last January, it’s been 5 months. Our duties before as researchers and now as a council don’t differ that much. Below are some of our duties that we’ve vowed to do as we are on the council seat:

  • Introducing NEAR to the newly onboarded members: helping to activate their wallets, explaining how NFTs work, how to mint NFTs on different marketplaces in NEAR.

  • Making the community a safe space for everyone by monitoring and banning some suspicious users so everyone can avoid getting scammed and avoid phishing.

  • Discord and Telegram moderation

  • Handling the 2 Mintbase stores of the Filipino Artist Guild includes minting the entries from our weekly art challenges, creating a 3XR gallery, proposing CFCs to other DAOs (if needed).

Below are my SNS links alongside with my NEAR wallet:

As a recently elected council member of the Filipino Artist Guild, I promise to support the community’s development, assist the members in any way I can, and uphold the trust placed in us. In the community, we will work to further sustainability, decentralization, and transparency.

LFG, Filipino Artist Guild!!


I am runesofuttoria.near currently I’m doing the design work and am one of the mentors in our Filipino Artist Workshop. I have been recently elected to one of the councils of the Filipino Artists Guild.

I started my Near journey last December 2021. As a designer, and Illustration mentor of the Filipino Artists Guild, we help accommodate new people on NEAR. Some of our tasks to grow our community is :

  • Help people with wallet creation.

  • Guide and help creators to improve by doing workshops.

  • Host community calls for our community to be on the same page with the current news, tips on how to navigate in the NEAR NFT world.

  • Keeping our community Discord and Telegram to make it a safe space for everyone.

As a new council in Filipino Artists Guild, I promise to support and help the community grow, assist the members, share the knowledge we have in terms of skill development and work closely with my colleagues so that we can deliver and help more people in this community.

It’s an honor to be part of the council members of this Guild.
Thank you!

Here are my SNS accounts and NEAR wallet:

  • NEAR wallet: runesofuttoria.near
  • Twitter handle: @jerccorpz
  • Discord handle: RunesofUttoria #1710
  • Telegram handle: @runesofuttoria]
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Hello NEAR Community !

I’m nirvanaraf.near a traditional and digital artist and have been recently elected as one of the councils of Filipino Artists Guild.

I’ve started my Near journey last January 2022 as a NFT artist. In the past 6 months, I have learned many things on Near. Below are the duties that I can contribute of what I’ve learned from Near Community:

â—ŹHelp new artists in creating their wallets 
 and minting their NFTs in Near 
â—ŹHost a Community call for upcoming 
 events of the guild.
â—ŹAlpha hunting and Nft flipping.
â—ŹOnboarding Visual Artists

Below are my SNS links with my NEAR wallet:

  • Near wallet: nirvanaraf.near
  • Twitter handle: @Nirvanaraf1
  • Instagram handle: @nirvanaraf11
  • Telegram handle: @nirvanaraf
  • Discord handle: nirvanaraf#1698

As a newly elected council, I will do everything I can to support this guild in any of its activities for the betterment and growth of the community. Most importantly, we will be transparent in the community.

Thank you for trusting us !