Open Web Creators & Communities Hackathon

How To Participate and EARN!

Welcome to the NEAR community forum, where you can discover unique opportunities and learn how (and why) to participate in this event, happening May 14 to June 6. This post is a good starting point for anyone interested in payouts from the various Sputnik DAOs involved.


Our hackathon will be run via the Sputnik DAO mothership, and hackers will be required to make forum posts in order to earn rewards.

The main goal of this experience will be to connect online communities and build creative solutions together. You don’t have to develop anything ~ there are paths for all kinds of creators to get involved! Earn rewards every step along the way, from project ideation to completion:

  1. write about ideas (10 NEAR)
  2. give a presentation (20 NEAR)
  3. create your demo video (30 NEAR)
  4. share GitHub repository (40 NEAR)

Look through available “Bounty DAOs” below, and reply to whichever posts are most interesting:

Createbase DAOs

NEAR x Music

Virtual Reality

Generative Art

NFT Gaming

NFT Onboarding

Social Tokens

Governance Challenge

If you’d like to create your own DAO, you might be interested in the “Governance Challenge” organized by Metagov.

To start receiving payouts from their DAO, you can write a forum post describing your project. Here is an example:

Figment Learn Pathway

Hackers who are interested in learning how to build on NEAR, try the Figment Learn pathway. Their tutorials can help you get up and running quickly to learn concepts of NEAR development.

Beyond the Hackathon!

We hope that you continue to build with us after this event, and you might be interested in our “Guild Program,” which empowers leaders in the NEAR community to develop their communities. Following sufficient off-chain discussion, you’re welcome to start a “Guild DAO” by requesting a budget from our team’s DAO: