[Guide] CommunitySquad DAO Proposal Submission

Hello and welcome to the NEAR Community Squad https://sputnik.fund/#/communitysquad.sputnikdao.near.

The NEAR community is invited to submit payout proposals to the DAO in order to fund monthly Guild tasks/activities. Please keep the funding amount, that is being requested, to less than 300 NEAR per payout proposal.

This DAO’s purpose is to empower communities of the NEAR ecosystem by rewarding positive contributions and helping to grow a network of meaningful projects within the NEAR ecosystem.

Who should submit proposals?
Payout proposals to the Community Squad https://sputnik.fund/#/communitysquad.sputnikdao.near should be submitted by members of the NEAR community who consider themselves “Guild Leaders” (organizing a group with more than 1 other member).

Don’t yet consider yourself a Guild Leader?
Createbase is a guild within the NEAR ecosystem that takes the role of growing the community by supporting the onboarding of new guilds. If you are someone who is thinking about starting a guild and taking on more of a leadership role within the community, please check out this post.

How should a proposal be submitted

  1. Guild Leader posts in the NEAR forums (please use the “community-squad” tag), within the “Ecosystem” category, outlining:

    • What guild you are requesting funds for.
    • Your name, NEAR account, and the month you are requesting funding for.
    • The address that will be the “target” of the payout proposal.
    • Total Requested Funding Amount
    • What tasks the funds are required for (Outlined with as much detail as possible. Please add external links where appropriate).
    • Please provide a timeline and milestones for your project
    • How the completion of the tasks outlined supports the NEAR community.
  2. The council of the Community Squad https://sputnik.fund/#/communitysquad.sputnikdao.near will deliberate over your proposal by checking over the info submitted in the forum link and leaving comments if necessary.

    • If your forum post is adequate and thorough, the council may vote to pass your proposal without any comments whatsoever, this is perfectly normal.
    • If needed you can always edit the original forum post to add more information if required by a council member.
  3. Go to the Community Squad https://sputnik.fund/#/communitysquad.sputnikdao.near and “add new proposal” of the “payout” type.

    • Set the “target” to the NEAR address that you are requesting funds to for your guild (example: “createbase.sputnikdao.near”).
    • For the “Job/proposal description” field, write a short (240 chars or less) description of the proposal (adding the guild name and month of funding for example).
    • Use the link to the forum post that you have created in the “forum discussion” field of the payout proposal.
    • Set the “Payout in NEAR” to the amount of funding that you are requesting for your guild.
    • Click “SUBMIT” and submit the transaction! (0.1 NEAR will be needed for a bond to deter spam, this bond will be returned upon successful completion of the proposal).
  4. Funds will be transferred from the communitysquad.sputnikdao.near contract to the address set in the “target” field from step 2, once the council members of the Community Squad https://sputnik.fund/#/communitysquad.sputnikdao.near vote to approve your payout proposal.

    • Please ensure to check back on your post to see if there are notes from a council member (email notifications can be enabled as well) to ensure there is the highest chance of success for your proposal to pass
    • If your proposal fails, there will be a reason in the comments of your forum post. Please feel free to edit your post, taking the comments into consideration, and re-submit a payout proposal.

Example Forum Post Outline:

Title: Createbase Guild Funding for May 2021

Name: Chloe Lewis
NEAR account: chloe.near
Payout Month: May 2021
Target address: createbase.sputnikdao.near
Total Requested Funding Amount: 250 NEAR


  1. Guild Onboarding (50 NEAR)
    • Onboarding of NxM, Craft & Crypto, Ravespace and other guilds
    • 3.5 NEAR needed on every SputnikDAO creation, tokens needed for council member onboarding as well as community onboarding
  2. Gigs & Bounties (150 NEAR)
    • Topics tagged bounties
    • The Createbase community has numerous gigs & bounties that it pays out on a regular basis through its SputnikDAO which requires funding
  3. Createbase Hackathon Prep (50 NEAR)