Marketing Guides Social Tokens This category is for the Social Tokens SputnikDAO, to document its community growth. DAO Council Members: @enidavis, @starpause, @jesssloss, and @benjacobs (not on forum yet) Bounties This WIP category is for sharing new opportunities and bounties from NEAR ecosystem projects that want to connect with NEAR Guilds and community members. Data This category is for the Analytics Guild to share metrics and insights related to NEAR Ecosystem. We hope to build trust in our governance systems by promoting accountability. NFT Onboarding NFT Onboarding SputnikDAO aka NFT Social Club. More info on how to submit a proposal! Council: @starpause, @whatshertoes, @iotachan. Meta Pool Meta Pool is one of the most recognized Liquid Staking Multichain protocols in the NEAR ecosystem. The Meta Pool DAO grows day by day, generating programs that provide value and help for the community, such as its Grants, Ambassadors, and the vote-to-earn system. Governance Dedicated to all things governance surrounding NEAR Protocol. NDC For discussion about all things NDC (NEAR Digital Collective). Projects This category is for discussion about various initiatives happening across our ecosystem. For example, if you’re building some kind of application on NEAR, let us know!